Futuristic ‘Next Tokyo’ eco city is designed to withstand climate change

How can cities located along the Pacific Plate mitigate the effects of climate change, rising sea levels, typhoons and seismic act…
How can cities located along the Pacific Plate mitigate the effects of climate change, rising sea levels, typhoons and seismic act…
One hundred years ago, Albert Einstein published his general theory of relativity, which described how gravity warps and distorts …
Kyaraben (short for character bento) are boxed lunches, elaborately arranged to look like characters from popular media. In Japan,…
3D food printers are very much in their infancy, but in time they could become the primary means of food preparation, bringing dra…
Hello Everyone this blog is to i learn how to make website free? Step 1:- Go to Browser and type the address bar www.weebly.comand…
Hello Everyone my name is Rohan.…