Female Shools in Herat, Afghanistan

Herat female students are now not only taking English and computer courses, but they learn how to use internet as well. More impor…
Herat female students are now not only taking English and computer courses, but they learn how to use internet as well. More impor…
Afghan Citadel Software Company is only working to enable Afghan women in education fields. It teaches cinematography, social medi…
Herat female schools are of those schools that were closed while Taliban was in power. Whenever they have been coming out of their…
Film Annex is not only a site for uploading professional movies and advertisements, but it is a place that hundreds of articles ar…
Herat is one of the provinces that the number of the girls is more than the boys in schools. Basir Ahmad Arwin Taheri, the head of…
Herat is the only key province of Afghanistan that has got a crossroads by the name of Cinema, but doesnt have a cinema. To be inv…
Takht-e-Safar has a lot of trees and it is a green space. In addition, it has a good pool for swimming and a building on the top o…
Takht-e-Safar, Bagh-e-Melat, and Mirdawood are all the names of entertaining parks located in different parts of Herat. Takht-e-Sa…
Educated women means educated mothers, educated children and educated families, and families are the structural unit of society. …
Complete ban on women's work outside the home, which also applies to female teachers, engineers and most professionals. Only a few…