This is how liquid fuel booster from Soyuz rocket looks like after "landing".

This strap-on booster is a complete liquid fuel rocket engine. It has incredibly sophisticated turbine pumps, multiple types of al…
This strap-on booster is a complete liquid fuel rocket engine. It has incredibly sophisticated turbine pumps, multiple types of al…
Fun fact: Antares name comes from the fact that it's bright and red like Mars (Ares to the ancient Greeks), but it's not Mars. It'…
Hey reptilian, stay away from my planet! Seriously though, amazing pic. Ever try to capture the space station on a flyover? Or any…
What missions do "Riskiest Space Flight Hailed" and "Perilous Moon Flight Ends in Safe Linkup" refer to? I'm gonna guess Apollo 8 …
I'm trying to do these long exposures that capture heaps of stars, but with the stars' trail. I've got a Canon 6D, f2.8, think the…
Dude. Would be fun to see how annoyed or disappointed people would be when Saturn didn't turn up. What they should have done, was …
I wonder how much of an effect local humidity has? I have a feeling light pollution in Phoenix may not be as bad as say a coastal …
Okay, I'm confused. I looked at the wikipedia page, and it said that it's about 11,000 lightyears away. It also says the supernova…
Whenever I see the Buran, I think of how it must have been for the engineers and scientists who developed this plane and the Energ…