For Real?

This For Real WTF?Great news for you death metal fans! Hatebeak has reunited and are releasing a second album "Number of the beak"…
This For Real WTF?Great news for you death metal fans! Hatebeak has reunited and are releasing a second album "Number of the beak"…
Another game request? That's what I seem to be saying everytime I go on Facebook. Game requests and begs for liking someones page.…
This is Kinni. I'm a cat living in the world of humans. This is my way of venting about how great us cats are. I'll explore my lif…
As recommended by the name, toe footwear was developed to "hug" each personal toe on the foot. It should come as no shock, then, t…
It has been said that cuddling is a form of antidepressant. It can be used to alleviate depression and anxiety. This got me to thi…
"The giggle is the involuntary release of urine in response to giggling or laughter. It may be related to cataplexy, a sudden tran…
Everything has a warning label on it these days. Even a hot cup of coffee must warn you that it is hot. Are people really that stu…
Best Joke Ever Heard Well Here I go again. Asking a question that really has no correct answer. The purpose isn't to find the righ…
These animals don't want a bath…