CBS NEWS, "Magdalen laundries_ Women confined in convents (THE AFGHAN PERSPECTIVE)(DARI)

در جهانی که ما امروزه زندگی داریم، نظریات و عقاید مختلف در مقابل زنان وج…
در جهانی که ما امروزه زندگی داریم، نظریات و عقاید مختلف در مقابل زنان وج…
The patients of the basic and essential things in life are neglected, some people eat their food very late because they are using …
It looks more or less as recreational social media, most of which are dealing with. But it should be noted that social media as a …
Film and video product is a big challenge for those guys who are working in the felid of cinema in Afghanistan. If we looks at cur…
مقاله امروزی من در باره ویدویی است که درسایت خبری سی بی اس نیوزدر قسمت م…
People can bring positive change in the situation, and still have not lost since. But all disappointed and silent and the silence …
Republic of Tajikistan is one of the Afghanistan neighbors this country is located in the northeastern part of Central Asia. It ha…
من یک مصاحبه را در در سايت (سي بي اس نيوز ) صدای امریکا دیدم. قصه فیلم طوری…
انسان دارای مهارت های بیسار زیادی است بشرط اینکه طریقه استفاده و نشاندا…
The worst thing that we can mention is human casualties of war in Afghanistan. Thousands people were killed and thousands lost the…