5 Definite Ways to Success – “21 Days Proven Technique”
#1. Realize What You’re Trying to Achieve
Firstly, just realize “What exactly are you trying to achieve?”
We are trying to live from a celebrity obsessed life.
Media, News, TV, Movies, Superstars are leaving a huge impression in our minds on a regular basis. And we are effecting our ability to do our work perfectly (internally), by watching them & desiring a life like that.
We always enjoy the stardom, limitless money, fan following & the huge payouts that they receive. However, we never realize the efforts behind the same. The Hard work they’ve actually put in for the entertainment.
Tons of resources, ideas, people, stories, creativity, efforts, and many other things are employed behind their success.
So, firstly just realize what you want to achieve. You really wish a live exactly like them (which is: full of controversies),
Or You wish to have a life of success.
#2. Looking for Success? – Work Your Ass Off…
You can get any job or start any business anytime, anywhere. But can never get success without putting in hard work. Without working your ass off. You have to & need to work hard to reach Success.
Will Smith said:
~ “The guy who is willing to hustle the most is going to be the guy that just gets that loose ball. The majority of people who aren’t getting the places they want or aren’t achieving the things that they want in this business are strictly based on hustle.”
~ “You don’t try to build a wall. You don’t set out and say ‘I’m going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that has ever been built’. You say ‘I’m going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid’. You do this every single day, and soon you have a wall.”
So true…
If you are ready & willing to work hard on anything, the success factor will reach you somehow. You don’t have to see the place you want to reach. Rather you must start walking to reach there. The longest journey starts with the first step. And the best time is: N:OW. So, start now. Just make a decision, decide now to be Successful and work your ass off towards it. Try to find what you Love. Don’t worry about anything in Life or any situation just keep on looking for a job / work that you love to do. As soon as you find it, just do it without expecting anything in return. Do it selflessly and the results will approach you soon. The success will start its journey to you. Success is like a shadow. The more you run after it, the more it gets away of you. You need to just relax, calm your mind and work (do what you love) without greed & expectations and see the miracles taking place.
#3. Indispensable & Easiest Techniques for “SUCCESS”
~ Do what you love,
~ Follow your dreams / intuition / heart,
~ Keep on seeking opportunities,
~ Employ all your efforts / dedication / sincerity / hard work,
~ And most importantly – have a burning desire,
~ Remember to always set short Goals. Don’t set long term goals, set short goals and have a burning desire to achieve them. And sooner, you’ll find a way to set long term goals and a possible way to achieve them as well. Think big, but target small. Step by step, brick by brick, you’ll have a biggest wall soon.
#4. Accept the Challenge
~ Try to be with people who want to see you fail.
~ Try to be with people who criticize you.
~ Try to remember the unsuccessful years, situations of being embarrassed from a successful colleague / friend / someone.
~ And then, go in front of the Mirror, look into your eyes and accept the challenge. And the challenge is to prove all them wrong.
~ Don’t just dream about success, don’t just talk about success, and don’t just discuss ideas about success. Rather be Success.
#5. Indispensable 21 Days Proven Technique
Look into the Mirror and on a daily basis, without a fail, say this to yourself:
“You know what, you are success and I very well know that you are capable of performing wonders in the world. And you’ll surely perform wonders soon and people will appraise you. I know. I trust you. I love you because you are successful.” – If not a hundred times, say this at least two hundred times in a day to yourself. Yes, 200 (two hundred times) in a day.
Practice this, only for 21 days.
Try and dedicate yourself to this idea, only for 21 days, that’s it. No big deal hun…….
And I guarantee, success will be on your way. It’s the most definite way of achieving what you want.
Try this and I wish you all the success in the world.
~ Define your goals on a daily basis
~ Prepare a plan for the day
~ Try to read success stories daily
~ Be open to everything & welcome new thoughts
~ Exercise daily
~ Stay goal oriented and focus on your goals
~ Stay away from negative people and distractions
~ Believe in yourself, your caliber, capabilities & abilities
~ Make success, the only goal and be positive
Follow the above mentioned steps. Try & sit quietly in a room alone, daily for at least 15 minutes trying to figure out what exactly you’re trying to accomplish.
If you’re unable to figure it out, don’t give up. Keep on trying and within 21 days you’ll surely be able to figure it out. And after you get to know what you’re looking for, make a plan to walk towards it.
We all are looking for success. Who doesn’t want it? Everyone wants it. So, you need to & have to work your Ass Off to achieve success in every way.
“The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.”
– Arnold Toynbee
At last, follow the Step #5 “DEDICATEDLY” for 21 Days. Speak those words of wisdom in front of the mirror daily (without fail) for 21 days and Success will be guaranteed.
Follow the steps, just for 21 days and see the Miracle. I wish you all the success in the world.