5 Things the Education System Must Produce

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5 Things the Education System Must Produce

  1. Communication skills
    The students must be able to communicate properly and clearly in order to survive in the highly competitive era. And should be able to deliver what they have learned in front of the world.

  2. Honesty The education system must teach the importance of social virtues like integrity and honesty so that the world could become a better place to live. Stern action must be taken against the students lacking this virtue.

  3. Sportsman spirit

    The students must be given an environment where they can develop the sportsman spirit. They should be given team environments so that they can learn cooperation and command.

  4. Analytic Problem solving
    The educational institutions should make sure that their students could apply what they have learned in the real world situations and could solve the physical problems utilizing what they have been taught.

  5. Creativeness

    Creativeness must be given due importance in the educational tenure of a student. His co-curricular interests must not be suppressed and should be given a chance to thrive as it is necessary for the growth of a healthy mind.

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Haripur, Pakistan

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