Afghan election

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Afghanistan is a big and old country with a good culture .Afghan people are happy because Afghanistan improve every day and this is a new life for Afghanistan when boys and girls study hard in schools and universities and also this is important to say Afghan women work in everywhere of SOCIETY.Afghan people want a life without war and without Loath Loth, Afghan people just want a life with peace because they like to improve their country Afghan people are spent about war and TRANSGRESSION .  Afghanistan will have an election in 1393 and everybody think this election can open a new window for Afghanistan and Afghan people, directors of Afghanistan want to direct a sleek election and also some problems are is Afghanistan about this election and some people don’t have good idea about election in1393 and this is a big problem for Afghanistan and directors of election are very SCRUPULOUS about this idea and they try to solve this problem but 80% of Afghan people have good idea about next election


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