Afghan women role in sports

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    When one talks about human being, there is no difference between men and women. They all need to have a sound health. Therefore, it is necessary for both men and women to exercise.


    When a woman is not healthy, how this is possible for them to give birth to sound baby sons/girls. Therefore, since the last ten years, Afghan women have had a substantial growth in this field. As I have had a report about women sports in Heart, they say: “this is exercise that provokes us and we can do our daily activities in a normal and good way.


    They say: they can introduce Afghanistan by exercising to the world, as well as they can be pride of their country by bringing medals from national and international games. Afghan women are the same as other women in the world, and they can fulfill what they do. Hence, the number of Afghan sports women increase day by day.

    People of the world witnessed the success of women 3 years after the fall of Taliban when 5 Afghan women attended the Athens Olympics

    Besides the increase of women clubs, the number of girls in different sports increases. For example, Kabul, Balkh, Kandahar, and Heart provinces now have clubs only for women on different shifts. 

Of all those women athletes, we can name Fatema Hamidi a Taekwondo hero and Sahar Parnian an Afghan actress & athlete who are the pride of the country.


   My only wish is the more success for Afghan women to be improved in all aspects of the country. 

About the author


I am Omar Nasir Mojaddidi, who has already graduated from Journalism Faculty of Herat University. Since I have got a deep interest in Journalism field, I established Zohal Radio Station about five years ago. Besides,I am the elected head Journalist's House in Herat Afghanistan.

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