Alcohol and Christianity

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I have some issues about how some people view the Bible. I think there are many great Christians out there that intend well being. For an example I think that Kent Hovind is right about Creation Science, yet I do not agree with his views on alcohol. He says that the Bible says "don't even look at the stuff". It is true, but when I read that same verse I see a verse saying not to lust after alcohol when you look at it. Kind of like the difference of looking at a girl and lusting after a girl. Two totally different things.

I want to say that I believe that alcohol is in fact a gift from God. I believe that it's a gift from God just like sex is a gift from God. If sex is abused and not used in the way God intended it to be used then it is an act of evil. I believe it's the same with alcohol. I believe that God doesn't mind the act of having a social get together which involves alcohol. Just so long as someone doesn't have too much. I use to believe that alcohol is simply a substance of the devil, but after thinking about some verses in the Bible and pondering on them for a while I began to think a little more differently on the subject. For instance, when they ran out of wine at the wedding which Jesus was at Jesus made wine for the party. He didn't say anything under his breath such as "alcohol is bad mother" or "I think they had enough", no He simply said "my time has not yet come". I think that pretty much meant that He wasn't ready to reveal Himself just yet. If alcohol was only intended for evil, do you think that Jesus would have made wine? Jesus takes no part with evil. If they were doing heavy drugs, I think it's safe to say that Jesus would simply say "Satan get behind me". Many people claim that He plain ol made juice. The problem I have with this idea is that the man at the wedding said that most people serve the best tasting wine first, then after drinking that wine they serve the less tasting wine after. Just think about now days. When you go out in the town per say, you order a good tasting drink, then later on in the night it's almost like taste is out of the equation. Jesus however made His wine which of course would taste better then anyone else's wine.

The other problem I have with the belief that it was juice is the fact that I have never heard of people at a party gathering together and drinking juice all night, and no one would ever get excited about more juice at a party. The Bible has strict rules about alcohol. The Bible warns us of alcohol that tastes really good kind of like a good tasting martini. The Bible basically says it tastes good, but those drinks will bite you like a snake. I think it means you won't see it coming (your drunkenness).

One of the most claimed righteous men of the Bible got drunk. His name was Noah. Some time after the flood he drank alcohol and he got drunk. One of his sons found him in a tent structure naked and went to tell his family. Noah apparently got mad at his son for saying something. I just have to ask, if the world as you know it right now was destroyed and all gone and you and your family were the only people left on earth, would you not want a couple of drinks to help cope with what just happened?

Another problem I have with the fact that Jesus only drank juice is the last supper. It says there is wine. It seems that wine is a choice of drink for all special occasions.

What I think happened with the image of alcohol is that Satan took such a gift and gave society the illusion that all alcohol is evil, just like the image of sex is easily portrayed as an act of evil. The truth about both of these things is that both are incredible gifts. If you take a gift and abuse it, that is your choice, but the gift in itself is not from Satan, but rather from God Almighty. When society is convinced that alcohol and sex are bad, then of course many many people will be detoured from Christianity (which Satan wants). I don't believe a person has to drink in order to be a good Christian, but I do believe that the image of alcohol and sex should be portrayed as good wholesome righteous gifts that should not be degraded. If you feel you couldn't handle alcohol then maybe stay away from it. I sometimes pray when I go out in the town and ask God to be with me, and let me know my limit, and let me stop at my limit. Many Christians are missing out on a lot of fun and great nights with friends because they feel that gathering at a bar is in itself a sin. Christianity let these gifts go as though they were evil, and Satan had no problem making it a tool for his use once society did that. If you are a Christian that choses not to drink alcohol then I support your decision, but please do not judge others that chose to have a couple of drinks here and there.

About the author


Grew up in small town Saskatchewan. Not much else to say here.

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