An Ideal Student

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An ideal student is one who is perfect(Why perfection does not exist).He is fully conscious of his duties and responsibilities.He acquire knowledgement not only to be qualified for an occupation but also to make them learned and polished.He does not waste his precious time.He studies according to a fixed timetable.He does not preference to novels or other cheap books than her own books according to syllabus.

                                                            An ideal student strictly follow the rules of conduct and discipline.He knows that it’s of his character building.He is well aware of the maximum that if wealth is lost,nothing is lost.If health is lost,something is lost but if charcter is lost,everything is lost.A student without a sense of discipline is like a ship without a rudder.It sails a drift and never reaches the harbour.An ideal student strictly follows the rules of college.He does not join strikes on trivial issues.He keeps himself a loop from politics.His only aim is to acquire knowledge and make his future bright and happy.

                                                           An ideal student respect his teachers from the core of his heart.He consider them his parents and always remains submissive and obedient to them.All his teacher like him for his good behaviours.An ideal student is not a book worm.He cannot read more than he can digest.He knows that healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind.He takes interest in all the activities that promote physical health.He is interested in games and goes to the plays ground in the evening.He love his fellow students and and participates in all collective activities.He shares the worries and problems to the members of his family.He takes keen interest in social services.He remains active in filling out solution to worries problems of the society.

                                                           An ideal student who keep himself aware of day-to-day life.He tries to know what is happening inside and outside the country.For this purpose he spend his leisure time in the the library and reads newspaper and magazines.He dicusses political issues with his friends and teachers,but does not take part in politic’s.He does not involve himself in demonstration and strikes.He keeps himself limited to the class and library only.

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live in Pakistan city d I khan

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