Aneka Warna Jamur yang Benar-benar Ada

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1. Bleeding Tooth Fungus

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Hydnellum peckii

Ditemukan di Amerika Utara dan Eropa. Jamur berdarah keluar cairan merah yang dikenal memiliki sifat antikoagulan yang mirip dengan heparin.

Tidak diketahui secara pasti apakah beracun ataukah tidak hanya yang pasti jamur ini rasanya sangat pahit.


Quote:2. Golden Jelly Fungus

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Tremella mesenterica

Drozhalka orange (Tremella mesenterica).
- Jamur ini sering tumbuh di pohon mati dan juga pada cabang-cabang pohon.
- Dengan warna orange-kuning dan kenyal dan permukaan berkelok-kelok.
- Saat terkena air huja menjadi lengket dan licin dan lengket.
- seringnya muncul pada musim penghujan.
- setelah tidak ada hujan jamur ini akan mengering dan berubah menjadi film tipis dan kusut, tetapi akan kembali mekar saat kembali hujan.
- Jamur ini umumnya ditemukan di hutan campuran dan diberkembang biak di daerah beriklim sedang dan tropis, termasuk Afrika, Asia, Australia, Eropa, Amerika Utara dan Selatan.
- Jamur dapat dimakan, meskipun dianggap hambar.
- Jamur ini menghasilkan karbohidrat yang memiliki nilai untuk penelitian.


Quote:3. Veiled Lady Mushroom

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Phallus indusiatus

Banyak terdapat di China dan di sana dibudidayakan untuk dimasak dan dimakan.


Quote:4. Amethyst Deceiver

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Laccaria amethystina

Ditemukan di hutan di Amerika Utara, Amerika Tengah dan Selatan, Eropa, dan Asia. Berwarna ungu cerah ketika muda, dan memudar setelah beberapa waktu.

Meskipun dapat dimakan, sebenarnya bukanlah pilihan bagus, karena jamur ini adalah polutan dalam tanah, sebagaimana arsenink.

Quote:5. Glow-in-the-Dark Mushroom

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Mycena chlorophos

Jamur bioluminescent ini ditemukan dalam subtropis Asia, Australia, dan Brazil. Topi dan batang memancarkan lampu hijau menyala dalam gelap. Mereka bersinar terang ketika mereka akan hari tua dan suhu sekitarnya adalah sekitar 81 derajat Fahrenheit.

Tidak diketahui apakah bisa dimakan atau tidak. Baca disini


Quote:6. Entoloma hochstetteri

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Entoloma hochstetteri

Ditemukan di Selandia Baru dan India, jamur kecil ini mudah dikenali oleh warna biru terang, yang berasal dari tiga pigmen azulene. Tidak diketahui bisa dimakan ataukah tidak tapi di Selandia Baru foto jamur ini terdapat pada perangko dan pada bagian belakang belakang uang kertas $ 50 yang beredar.


Quote:7. Dog Stinkhorn

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Mutinus caninus

Mendapatkan namanya karena bentuknya, yang menyerupai kemaluan anjing. Nama Perancis untuknya adalah Phallus de Chien dan Satyre des chiens. Ditemukan pada akhir musim panas dan musim gugur di antara daun dan puing-puing kayu.

Tidak diketahui apakah bisa dimakan atau tidak. Baca disini


Quote:8. Turkey Tail

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Trametes versicolor

An extremely rare mushroom, the devil's cigar (Chorioactis geaster) is found only in select locations in Texas and Japan. In Texas, the fruiting body grows on the roots of dead cedar elms, while in Japan it grows on dead oak trees. It isn't known why it is only found in these two distant locations. Like the octopus stinkhorn mentioned earlier, this mushroom emerges and splits into four to seven arms, which have spore-bearing tissue.

Quote:9. Devil's Cigar

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Chorioactis geaster

An extremely rare mushroom, the devil's cigar (Chorioactis geaster) is found only in select locations in Texas and Japan. In Texas, the fruiting body grows on the roots of dead cedar elms, while in Japan it grows on dead oak trees. It isn't known why it is only found in these two distant locations. Like the octopus stinkhorn mentioned earlier, this mushroom emerges and splits into four to seven arms, which have spore-bearing tissue.

Quote:10. False Morel, or Brain Mushroom

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Gyromitra esculenta

One of several species of false morel, this species is commonly called the brain mushroom or turban fungus. It is considered a delicacy in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and in the Great Lakes region of the U.S. - but only if prepared correctly. It is potentially fatal if eaten raw, so those planning to eat it need to be particularly careful to remove the poisonous gyromitrin, usually accomplished by boiling the chopped-up mushrooms several times.

Quote:11. Latticed Stinkhorn

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Clathrus ruber

This mushroom is known as the latticed stinkhorn, the basket stinkhorn, or the red cage. It is found growing in leaf litter, on garden soil, grassy places, or in mulches. Though it isn't clear if it is edible, apparently its smell is enough to deter anyone interested in eating it. It puts off a scent similar to rotting meat to attract insects, which help disperse its spores.

Quote:12. Giant Puffball

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Calvatia gigantea

Calvatia gigantea, commonly known as the Giant puffball, is a puffball mushroom commonly found in meadows, fields, and deciduous forests worldwide usually in late summer and autumn. It is common throughout Europe and North America.


Quote:13. Lion's Mane Mushroom

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Hericium erinaceus

This strange mushroom goes by many names, including lion's mane mushroom, bearded tooth mushroom, hedgehog mushroom, and satyr's beard among many others. Native to North America, it can be found growing on hardwood trees. Despite its strange looks, it is indeed edible and is sometimes served as an alternative to pork or lamb in Chinese cuisine. The mushroom is common during late summer and fall on hardwood trees.

Quote:14. Indigo Milkcap

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Lactarius indigo

The indigo milkcap (Lactarius indigo) is found in the coniferous and deciduous forests of eastern North America, East Asia, and Central America. When the mushroom is cut or broken open, the milk, or latex, that oozes out is a beautiful indigo blue which slowly turns green as it is exposed to air. Though it looks quite poisonous, it is reportedly edible and is sold in markets in China, Guatemala, and Mexico.

Quote:15. Cordyceps

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Cordyceps ophioglossoides

Quote:16. Fly Agaric

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Amanita muscaria

Tsezarsky mushroom (Amanita caesarea). Very valuable edible mushroom that grows in southern Europe and North America. For the first time this fungus described by Giovanni Antonio Scopoli in 1772. His loved rulers of the Roman Empire. He has a distinctive orange cap, yellow plate and spore-bearing leg. This fungus is very much appreciated by the Romans, who called it Boletus.


Quote:17. Violet Coral

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Clavaria zollingeri

Klavariya pale brown (Clavaria zollingeri). Widespread species of fungi. It has a tube-shaped purple or pinkish-lavender body that grows up to 10 cm in height and 7 cm in width. The tips of the fragile and thin branches usually rounded and brownish. This saprobity kind of mushrooms, it absorbs nutrients by breaking down organic matter. Usually grows on the ground.


Quote:18. Rhodotus palmatus

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Rhodotus palmatus

Rodotus (Rhodotus palmatus). This fungus - the only representative of the genus in the family Physalacriaceae. Not very common. The fungus was collected in the eastern part of North America, North Africa, Europe and Asia. In Europe, the number of fungi falling rapidly, so rodotusa brought in the Red book. Usually grows on stumps and logs rotting solid trees. Mature mushrooms differ pinkish color and a characteristic "venoobraznoy" surface.


Quote:19. Anemone Stinkhorn

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Aseroe rubra

Aseroe rubra. The so-called sea anemone is widespread and recognizable due to its unpleasant smell of rot and starfish-shaped. Growing in the gardens on the forest floor and in the grassy areas, reminiscent of the red star, covered with brownish mucus, and has a white leg. Attracts flies.


Quote:20. Caesar’s Mushroom

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Amanita caesarea

Quote:21. Pixie's Parasol

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Mycena interrupta

Mycena interrupta. This fungus grows in Australia, New Zealand, Chile and New Caledonia. In Australia, growing in Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales and South Australia, as well as in Queensland, but only at The National Park Lamington. Pileus is 0, 6-2 cm, and they have a bright blue color. When they appear, they have a spherical shape, but as they mature become wider. Hats sticky and seemingly slippery, especially during rain.


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Just an ordinary man that want to do best in his life..

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