Baghnazargah High School Weekly Report and Plans

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During this week, all the students of Baghnazargaha had Semi Term Examination and they were present for Examination on time. and the manager with teachers controlled the students exam time. The computer class students had activates in the social Media.

Mahnaz Hotaki  Computer class student tell us about information technology (IT): information Technology has progressed and also it is progressing,  that all the people can access to all communication devices and the people can easily talk and their comment and it rely people with together by social sits.

This computer class are sponsored by Film Annex and Women's Annex to Empower women in Afghanistan through new technologies.

About the author


Film Annex's production crew in Afghanistan documents an ordinary day at Baghnazargah School, which is 5 kilometers away from Herat. The school was established in 1989. In this video, we get a glimpse into the lives of female students, what they do in classrooms, how they play and exercise outdoors,…

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