bernard henry-levi:piet mondrian! live in france 1 of hte may 68 faces when the power was in the street in france and charles re

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piet mondrian died 71 years ago in ny, was the neoplasticism a variant of cubism, painted at boogie woogie sound a variant of jazz and i like evrybody saw its retrospective at museu de serralves that was the most visted musuem portuguese when it was also tu in our language with an average of 1500 000 and now has only 200 000(cunhas)

About the author


graduated in english first certificate by cambridge, art history at u.porto that is the topest portuguese colege and the 100th worldwide!i live at r.manuel luís da costa,155-a, r/c esq., 3700-179 s.joão da madeira, portugal

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