bitLanders now offers maximum privacy and security with anonymous registration

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You only need a nickname and a password with the anonymous registration


In the era of social media and with the increasing amount of information shared online every day, respect of privacy has become essential and necessary. That's why bitLanders now gives all new users the option to register anonymously.

You no longer need to share your name or email address. You get maximum privacy and security as you only choose a nickname and password. No personal data will be collected during registration.

You can now be active on bitLanders and share your thoughts anonymously through your avatar and nickname. Your security and privacy are our paramount priority. Upload videos and pics, write blogs, share the content you like online, interact with the community... and get rewarded!

If you're already on bitLanders, this is the perfect time to invite your friends to join! No need to connect any social media account or share their email! Find your personal registration link here to invite them.

Register now

About the author


bitLanders is a digital platform whose entire user base earns bitcoin for their content and social activity. The goal of bitLanders is to promote worldwide access to the genius of Blockchain technology in a fun, unique, and safe environment. bitLanders users build and engage content (videos, blogs, photos, advertisements). The…

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