Book Mystery..

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First voice: You are so in to novels, what's in them?

Second voice: Stories, some are so amazing, some are not that deep, but I enjoy visualizing... sharing joys.... feeling pains of others.

First voice: Isn't that stupid?

Second voice: Isn't everything stupid?

First voice: So you kinda live with characters?

Second voice: Yes, it's my escape from normal routine, my fantasy world, I visualize it in my own way. 
It's a universe where things behaves the way I wish. 

First voice: Do books teach you something?

Second voice: I accept the things I find rational in books, It's reflected in my normal routine life. Everything that I read brings change in some part of me.

First voice: What if you start following something wrong?

Second voice: Till the time I am unaware of its wrongness, what difference will it make?

First voice: Why men are like this?

Second voice: Reading books?

First voice: Talking abstract and reading a lot, i meant.

Second voice: Not all are, Out of my so many friends, I have just a few who read regularly. I love spending time with them. Sharing short reviews of books, hearing their review... its just amazing. Our talks are not always dull, they come with correlating personal experiences with stories, its always funny. Plus we are always eating or taking tea/coffee while chatting. 

First voice: You are different. 

Second voice: I know. 

First voice: Do you have a girl friend?

Second voice: What do you think?

First voice: You appearance is charming, I am sure girls like you, but you are usually silent, its unlike usual guys. 

Second voice: The day books start affecting me, I knew it's the right time to read Quran. It will explain i guess.

First voice: But you don't have a beard?

Second voice: There is a personal reason. Can't share.

First voice: You are different.

Second voice: We all are!

P.S: Random chat of two voices!



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