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The melon is delicious and nourishing fruit that is consumed as such, fresh for its sweet and soft and juicy consistency. This food with significant health benefits is used in some regions of the world as an appetizer or as an ingredient for salads and desserts.
Nutritional information:
Folic acid, carotenoids, vitamin C and vitamin K are some of the key nutrients that turns into a fruit melon beneficial to the body.
100 g of fruit contains: 34 calories
8.6 g Carbohydrates
Protein 0.84 g
Fats 0.19 g
Fibre 0.9 g
Folate 21 mcg
Vitamin A 3382 IU
Vitamin C 36.7mg
0.05 mg Vitamin E
2.5 mcg Vitamin K
Sodium 1 mg
Potassium 267 mg
Magnesium 12 mg
Iron 0.21 mg
Carotenoids 2020 mcg
Calcium 9 mg
Health Benefits
1. It prevents birth defects and anemia
Cantaloupe is an excellent source of folic acid. Folate is necessary for cell growth and maintenance of cell health corpului.Femeile pregnant women during preconception, alcoholics, people with anemia or anticonvulsant therapy should have a daily intake of folic acid for prevention of complications associated with deficiency of this vitamin .
2. Maintain cardiovascular health
The melon is rich in carotenoids, pigments yellow, orange or nrosii synthesized by some plants. According to the Institute Linus Plauling increased intake of carotenoids decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
3. Protect visual function
Two types of carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) are necessary for proper vision. Deficiency of these two substances can increase the risk of developing macular degeneration (the most common cause of blindness in old age) and cataracts (clouding of the eye lens).
4. Strengthens immune system and prevents aging permanent
Cantaloupe also provides a significant amount of vitamin C with a role in tissue growth and regeneration. Vitamin C helps form collagen (a protein used by the body for the formation of skin tissue, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. Vitamin C block free radical oxidative processes at the cellular level.
5. Maintain muscle health and prevents constipation
The melon is rich in potassium, which intervenes in maintaining healthy muscle contractions in the regulation of cardiac and blood pressure control. Potassium is essential for normal functioning of the intestinal tract.
6. Reduce the risk of cancer development
Flavonoids contained the melon have the ability to protect cells and other physiological structure of free radicals. This process reduces the risk of developing cancer of the colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic.
7. Weight loss
Cantaloupe can be consumed in slimming diets due to its low calorie and satiety.
8. Vitamin A intake Cres
100 g of melon ensure 12% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant essential for good vision and for maintaining healthy cell membranes of the component.


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