CBS NEWS,Beyonce performance at US SuperBowl game, The Afghan Perspective (Dari)

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بيانسه از هنرپيشه هاي مشهور آوازخواني در آمريكا ميباشد، هنرمندي كه شهرتش در همه جا سر زبانها اسست


اما بيانسه، چگونه به شهرت رسيد؟ وي با اشتراك و آوازخواني در محافل ملي و بين المللي توانست كه نامش را بر سر زبانها كند حتي نزد رييس جمهوران كشورهاي مختلف جهان. مثلا او در يكي از مسابقه هاي مشهور جهاني بنام سوپر باول اشتراك كرده و در نيمه اش آوازخواني نمود، مسابقه ي كه در آنجا مليونها تماشاچي حضور داشتند. و در يك برنامه ي اختصاصي سي بي اس نيوز هم در خور ديد مليونها نفر در جهان رسيد.

هم مانند بيانسه اگر ما خانمي را در افغانستان جستجو كنيم، مي توانيم از هنگامه نام ببريم، كسيكه از نقطه ي صفر شروع كرد براي بدست آوردن شهرت، و حالا به اوج شهرت رسيده است، چه در افغانستان و چه در خارج از كشور.

او توانسته كه توجه ي همه اقشار جامعه را نسبت به خود جلب كند، مثلا او با كنسرت دادن و آوازخواني در مقابل هزاران علاقمندش و انجام آهنگ ها براي كشور و ملتش توانست به اين شهرت برسد


و يكي ديگر از راه هاي كه او توانست به اين شهرت برسد، اجراي آهنگ ها براي پيران، جوانان، و حتي اطفال که توانست به اين منزلت برسد.

هدف از هر آنچه كه در فوق ذكر شد اين است كه موفقيت و شهرت بدون رنج و زحمت نا ممكن است كه بدست بيآيد، و سعي و تلاش ملت يك كشور، باعث شگوفايي و پيشرفت يك كشور ميگردد

The especial and interesting program that was broadcast by CBS News was about a famous singer of the United States. Her name was Beyonce, who performed her song in front of millions of the fans of Super Bowl game. And she added to her fame.

    If we look for someone the same as Beyonce in Afghanistan, we can say that Hangama is as famous as her. Hangama began to reach fameness from the zero point, and now she is well-known enough both in Afghanistan and outside the country.


    There are lots of singers in the world, but everyone cannot reach the fame. One who strive the most reaches it.For example, Hangame has performed many concerts for her fans with charge free, she had sang for her country when Afghanistan had been in tough conditions, she has sang for her country to energize its troops to fight and save the country well, she has sang for people when they were in sorrow or when they were in delightful situations and for the young, old and children of Afghanistan. This was how she grabbed the people’s attention and support.

    All I said above was to know that without making efforts, it is impossible to get the success and prosperity. By sharing in all circumstances of the country and making efforts, prosperity and success itself will meet the nation and people of a nation.        


About the author


Muhammad Rafi is a 23-year-old boy who has already graduated from Journalism Faculty of Herat University.
He works both at one of Herat Local Radios as an announcer and Film Annex as a blogger.

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