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have you ever thought that there are angels living in the world and you can see them every day!?

Children are the most beautiful things in the world, when you look at them you find out that how much they are beautiful, how much they are innocent and it is their existence in our lives that give us so much joy.

Sometimes children are mistreated , sometimes they are sold, sometimes they are hurt and sometimes they are abused but those committing these kind of actions against the most delicate creation of God are not humans and they will be punished one day for sure.

Children, their eyes are beautiful, their smile is amazing if you hold their soft hands just for seconds then you will feel how much this world is beautiful and when they try to press your hands with their tiny fingers then how much you get excited.

No matter where children are living they are all angels and they are the next generation please let's get together and stop violence against children, let's make a world where children are the happiest for ever.


Siawash Kasra

About the author


Android Developer, Blogger, Web designer, Problem Solver, Programmer and a good friend.
I love writing blogs and sharing ideas with people around the world, you may know me but if you don't, no problem I still love you.

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