China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Part#1

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Assalam-o- Alaikum friends

I am here with a new blog on the new topic. And today I am going to explore CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor). CPEC is a frequently talked topic here in Pakistan, China and also India nowadays. Here are some main points that I shall discuss.


Image Credit Pak china

What actually is CPEC?
What is One belt one road project?
Why do China and Pakistan need to build CPEC?
What are Projects included in CPEC?
What are the Challenges in implementing CPEC for China and Pakistan?
What benefits will Pakistan and China enjoy from CPEC?

What is CPEC?

"The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor also known as CPEC is an economic corridor comprising a collection of projects currently under construction at a cost of $51 billion. CPEC aims to facilitate trade along with an overland route that connects Kashgar and Gwadar, through the construction of a network of highways, railways, and pipelines."

What is on belt one Road Idea?

The government of China wishes to build a network of trade routes to increase regional trade in Europe, China, middle East, South Asia and Central Asia. This project is named as one Belt one Road Project.


Image Credit LinkedIn

What Projects are included in CPEC?

China-Pakistan economic corridor is a mega project including many projects. CPEC include building new roads, power plants, Gawader port, international Airport and upgradations of the railway in Pakistan.

Projects in Gawader

Gawader is the key point of CPEC. It is the largest deep sea port in the world. CPEC include building a full upgraded port on Gawader coast and an international airport of the expense of China's government, desalination and power plants, and highway connecting Gawader to Makran Coastal highway.


Gawader Image Credit The Nation

Transportation Upgrade Projects.

Through CPEC 10.63 billion will be spent on transportation projects that include upgrading of Karakorum highway and building of three routes connecting Kashgar to Gawader.
CPEC also include up gradation of railway route from Peshawar to Karachi. There are three major road routes of CPEC. Eastern route passing from densely populated provinces of Punjab and Sindh and western route through KPK. A central route through Punjab, kpk and Baluchistan will be build later.

Power Projects.

CPEC is mainly concerned with power projects that will be implanted in Pakistan. Sahiwal coal power project, Thar1 , Thar 2 are most important coal power projects of CPEC. Diyamer Bhasha dam is also included in CPEC as hydral project.


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Why China and Pakistan Need to build CPEC.

Through CPEC china want to connect Kashgar city with port of Gwadar located in Baluchistan Pakistan.
Gawader port is located at a very important location for trade. China and Pakistan can easily trade with golf countries and also African countries through Gawader port. Persian golf is very important for world economy because major part of oil used in all word is produced by Golf Countries. If china uses its own ports to trade with golf countries than ships have to travel a very long distance but using Gawader port the distance and expenses can be reduced largely. There are also a lot of territory problems in South China Sea with Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. Hence, trade though south China sea can be risky as well as expensive. 94% of population lives in east china and remaining 6% lives in west China. So, connecting Kashgar with Gawader will increase development and progress in west china. It will also be helpful in shifting population load to west relaxing east part of China.\


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This was china's point of view for CPEC, now have a look on Pakistan's side. Pakistan is a developing country running short of power generation and transportation facilities. Although Pakistan has potential not only to fulfill its own needs but it can also provide resources to other countries. But lake of Investment and technical expertise Pakistan is suffering from many problems. Gawader located in Baluchistan is a very important port of this area. By connecting Gawader with Kashgar Pakistan can experience a new era of progress and prosperity because CPEC not only include building roads but it also includes many wind, nuclear, coal and hydro power projects that will complete Pakistan's power needs and will boast up industry here. 70000 jobs are expected to be generated by CPEC directly in Pakistan.

Video by Muhammad Irfan Via youtube

Benifits of CPEC and Challenges for china and Pakistan to establish CEPC will be discussed in next part of the 

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