Creativity in Business: Without Changes, We Risk Losing Positions

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Creativity in Business: without changes, we risk losing positions  -  Photo, Edition by Amber255 via

By examining the success stories of companies, businessmen, we will find at least a few features that unite them - success, stamina, self-confidence, etc. However, the most commonly referred the most important thing is creativity. People who create new technologies, marketing decisions, and successful businesses do not think like everyone else - they think creatively.

The theme of creativity becomes more and more important in the face of ever-increasing innovation in the world. Innovation becomes a guarantor of business success. It requires creativity that allows you to create new ideas, redefine the development of business relationships and effectively address problems.

Some say that creativity in business is necessary to achieve higher results, others are that it is a unique feature buy it is given not to all. Creativity is the creation of a fresh idea. I am particularly interested in creativity not as the enlightenment, but as a methodical routine, a way of life, glasses through which we are looking at the world.

Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. — Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple


The creativity takes place in the three most important competencies needed for business. A creative approach to today's labor market often overwhelms a well-trusted traditional mindset, especially when we seek for a special distinction in the noise of various offers and information.

Creativity in business is overrated and often romanticized, but inevitably necessary to understand and know. When all media and success books emphasize the importance of creativity, how to distinguish between what really benefits and can help business processes?

Are you familiar with the theories of creativity and the concept of creative personality? How is creativity understood in the context of these times, and what is the influence of creativity on business cycles and business continuity?  Is creativity a personal attribute or a professional competence? Is business perceived as a creation? What is the difference between individual creativity and creative entrepreneurship?

Let's find answers together. 

Creativity in Business - Video credit: via

 The Search for Creativity in Business 

Creativity in business is new ideas, separation from stereotypes or even logic. 

Perhaps each one of personal experiences can tell how many cases there have been when we feared to express our opinion or hesitated to speak to a larger audience, and missed a lot of great occasions, and our ideas were left unheeded and unfulfilled.

There is a saying that we should take all given opportunities if we do not want to regret later for missing it. But how much does it fit the search for creativity? Is there such an area in which creativity is generally unnecessary, or even harms?

Creativity is not needed in work already planned: to take, help, give something. But, if we need more, the benefits of creativity will always be greater than the damage. In relationships, in sports, in science, in business - everything would be much more gray and grim without creativity.


Creative thinking - Photo credit:

Creativity gives the business extraordinary powers. It can turn the computer maker hanging on the edge of the bankruptcy into the most profitable corporation in the world, a simple search engine - into humanity knowledge directory, students' dating portal - into a billionaire community, and so on.

We can also understand creativity as a human attribute influenced by competence, creative thinking, and motivation. Competence is all the knowledge of a person in a particular field of activity. Creative thinking is the ability to combine well-known ideas into new and meaningful combinations. Motivation provides an incentive for action to achieve a defined goal.

People become more creative when the task is of interest, gives satisfaction, and challenge.  Such motivation is called internal motivation. The last is more effective in carrying out creative tasks than the external motivation provided by the wage. 


The creative process - Photo credit:

How To Stimulate Creativity?

There are people who consider themselves uncreative or lacking in original ideas, and therefore often it prevents the progress. Creativity requires daily or at least regular attention.

If you allow yourself to stop and think that everything is going from inertia, any business will collapse due to simple competition. Cannot you refresh your business model? Then, do not be surprised to see a decline in profits and leading competitors. Creativity is needed in any field of human activity. All businesses accept creative ideas because good business executives know that a successful business secret is constantly generating new and innovative ideas.

A person's ability to think creatively should start to be developed much earlier than entering the labor market. In my opinion, students at the university should begin to develop such qualities as the ability to listen and understand others, the ability to convince the reality of their ideas. Future professionals must learn to work productively in a team, reasonable and confidently present their ideas.


 Importance of creativity - Photo credit: Adobe via Twitter

Consistent creative education is essential and brings lasting benefits, even in activities where there is not much self-expression at first glance. A creative worker, even working on highly regulated work, will find ways to improve his processes or make the right decision in the event of an unexpected situation.

Creating an environment in which the employees themselves can create and develop ideas is a great way of stimulating creativity. In addition, the interactive programs, creativity training for employees and managers can be initiated too.  

For creativity and personal growth of employees, the atmosphere of the workplace itself - the psychological environment, relations between the members of the team - is more important than the physical working environment.

Creativity is an action in which new ideas are transformed into reality. It is the ability to accept and see the world in a new way, discover invisible interfaces, and create ideas. The employee will spread his creativity only if he trusts the company he is working on. He needs to know and believe that this company is on the right track and a good future is waiting for it.


Creative Entrepreneurship  -  Photo credit: Spocket via Twitter

 Creativity and IQ

The relationship between intellect and creativity is not yet unambiguously defined. The creative process undoubtedly requires many intellectual qualities and abilities, but for complex creative tasks, it is necessary to utilize skills not attributed to the field of intellect (for example, intuition). We can assume that intelligence and creative thinking are interconnected.

For a high level of creativity, the intellect coefficient is required not less than 120. Upon reaching this level of intelligence, its further growth does not already affect the potential of creativity, but when the level of intellect is very high, it already impedes creativity.


Benefits of creativity -  Photo credit:

The person with high IQ stands out not only because he can create good ideas but also present these creative ideas to others, say, perspective ideas for the market, products, services, and the like.  So, the main difference between a person with a high IQ  and simple person is not the creativity. Everyone can be creative, but not everyone can convey good ideas to others, explain, convince people.

Group Creativity

A person becomes able to create something if only he takes one or the other action, does not devote time for creativity, it means if there will not be the sequence of actions in the creative process, at the end of which there will be a result of activity: an idea or physical result.

The creative process in any business takes place in an interaction between two main intermediaries:

  • An individual who can create new ideas based on knowledge and experience;
  • A group in which the individual is integrated and who supports the individual's creative efforts.


 Group Creativity - Photo credit: Nikhil behl via Twitter

Although creativity is more individual than group feature, it's best to develop it and use it in a group. For this reason, most creativity-enhancing methods are for teams.

One of the main benefits of creativity in a group is that people can share their knowledge and attitudes, which increases the chances of creating new ideas and their combinations. Group creativity can be combined with individual creativity. Better results in creating ideas come from when starting with a group and switching to individual work rather than organizing work vice versa.


Group creativity - Photo credit: Paul Howey via

Group creativity is influenced by many factors: organizational context, group climate, individual creativity, ability to work in a group. Creativity in a group can be fostered by a talented leader. 

Creativity as a human feature is not typical only for a few selected ones. Creativity can be learned and developed. Special methods have been developed for the mind to accept changes and enable them to be successful.  Creativity is a collective process. In society, it is often believed that creativity is a feature of one person that had a genius mind. But it is the team that can help purify, develop, and adapt the idea - it's not individual, but command feature.

Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is the highest form of productive thinking. This process creates new ideas, distant associations, unexpected links to existing ideas, effective solutions to problems or other genuine and valuable things.

Creative thinking differs from our usual thinking. By doing daily work, we do not think why and how we do it. Undoubtedly, this way of thinking is effective, allowing us to save time and our thinking efforts. But it can become an obstacle when it comes to changes. In such situations, we continue to want to think in terms of the usual, but already not fitting schemes.


 Creative Personality -  Photo Credit: hubmee via Twitter

A better understanding of creative thinking is possible by comparing it with an analytical one. The latter is logical, looking for one answer, connecting and vertical.

Creative thinking is horizontal, derogating from norms, based on imagination, generating many answers and creating new ideas.

The purpose of creative thinking is to think beyond the existing norms, to awaken curiosity, to free yourself from rationality, normal ideas and formalized procedures, to rely on imagination, divergence, randomness, and consideration of many solutions and alternatives.

Creative thinking - how to get out of the box and generate ideas - Video credit: via

On The Final Note

In the new business world, the riskiest thing is trying to do the same things in the same way as they were done all the time. It's naive to expect old methods can generate new results. Atypical results require atypical solutions. Intuition, the ability to make decisions under the conditions of information deficit and time pressure becomes a critical competency for any entrepreneur or manager.


Creative ideas  - Photo credit:

Creativity is undoubtedly relevant today in the age of knowledge and information. A creative personality is a great asset not only in art, science, education, management, politics, but also in business and elsewhere. The ability to find creative solutions and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing conditions are essential for a fast-moving society.

Creativity has always been a key personal feature, but now it becomes an important goal in the context of lifelong learning.  We should use creative, intelligent abilities: ideas, imagination, and innovations even if there is no external pressure.

To make mistakes is the same as being creative. If we are not ready to make mistakes, we will not create anything original.

Creativity is the most practical thing a businessman can employ. Bill Bernbach 


Only the people thinking differently can create something original, something we do not have today.

When everybody enjoys the invention of technology, creative people don't stop there, because that's still not the best we can have. Technological evolution does not stand in place, and creativity is its eternal engine.



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