Daesh In South Asia.

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Image Credit Jhangir world Times

Daesh is facing defeat and losing area in its centralized areas of Iraq and Syria. But their claims of successful conduction of terrorist activities in Europe and South Asia has started a new debate. Is Daesh going to be demised or it will operate from other regions like south Asia?

Daesh can get power in south Asia by affiliating with local terrorist groups operating in south Asia and can impose a great danger to the region. Daesh has claimed 14 attacks in Afghanistan, half as many in Pakistan and Holey Artisan Bakery attack in Bangladesh.


image credit Dailysabah

Let’s have a look on the situation in South Asian countries regarding Daesh establishment in the region.


Afghanistan is more likely to be affected by international terrorist organization of Daesh. Afghanistan has many areas   which are lawless and ungoverned. Daesh is noticed active in many southern and eastern areas provinces of Afghanistan like Zabul, Faryab, Ghazni, Nanganhar and Helmand.

Major challenges for Daesh in Afghanistan are US-led coalition forces, Afghanistan national security forces and Afghan Taliban. US led coalition forces are active against Daesh in Iraq, Syria as well as in Afghanistan. Although much need to be improved about Afghan national security forces but still they are conducting joint operations with coalition against Taliban as well as Daesh. Third but major threat for Daesh in Afghanistan are Afghan Taliban. Taliban, as they have strong hold on much of the country, would not let Daesh overtake Afghanistan easily.


Image Credit motley.ie


Pakistan in fighting war against terrorist organization effectively and most of the structure of terrorist groups has been demolished.  Daesh can provide a new brand name for fractured and disenfranchised terrorists in Pakistan. But establishing strong hold in Pakistan will be a big challenge for the organization as government of Pakistan is taking solid steps to eradicate terrorist groups from its land. Two types of operations are running in Pakistan, 1st one is to target terrorists directly in their hide outs, “Zarb-e-Azab” and “khebar 4”, other one to nullify their spill over effect in urban areas by targeted operations under “Radd-ul-fasaad”.


Surtaj Aziz former Adviser to Prime Minister of Pakistan. Image Credit insider.pk


According to Surtaj Aziz former adviser to prime minister of Pakistan, “Daesh is not a major threat for Pakistan it can be suspected in tribal areas where Pakistan has sufficient army force in place to combat it”.

Military troop stationed in federally tribal areas and operations run by them are big challenges for Daesh to physically exist in Pakistan.


Image Credit Diplomacypakistan.com 


Daesh is often portrayed as manageable but serious threat in India. As India is home to many ethnic groups, Daesh can take advantage of it by exploiting Hindu extremism against Muslim communities.

As compare to Iraq and Syria Daesh would face heavy resistance in South Asian countries because of strong opposition groups and active government assisted with strong armies.

Video Zee Hindustan via Youtube

Countering Challenge

To lessen the impact of spill over effect of Daesh South Asian countries governments should work together and share intelligence information about threat.

Furthermore, instead of imposing rigid laws in country, social awareness campaigns should be run to immunize young generation from this viral threat and where necessary military power should be deployed against it.

Video by News Week South Asia via Youtube



About the author


A student of Life.

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