Day of a Mexican national flag

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In the administration of President Lazaro Cardenas was established on February 24 as a day of national flag. Recognizing its importance in acquiring National Identity. For each of the colors it is full of meaning, not to mention the shield, full of historical mean.




Commend yourself to God wholeheartedly, often it tends to rain His mercies in time that are drier hopes.

-Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra



Peace on earth, the profound aspiration of all humanity through history, it certainly can not be established and sustained only if the order established by God is firmly respected.

-Pope Juan XXIII



The whole history of Mexico from the Conquest to the Revolution can be seen as a search for ourselves, deformed or masked, with foreign institutions and in a way that we express.

-Octavio Paz


The national emblem dates back to the legend of the founding of the Great Tenochtitlan. The Mexicans traveled from Aztlan, looking for the signal Huitzilopochtli had given them to settle and found their empire: an eagle perched on a cactus bloomed in a small island located in the middle of a lagoon. The image of the event was made since then as a shield and his story was orally transmitted for generations.

To the ancient Mexicans, the eagle was the symbol by which the cosmic force of the sun is represented, while the potential of the land forces were cast in the image of the snake. Thus, the eagle devouring a snake means the communion of these vital forces. Also, the nopal, besides representing a pre-Hispanic food par excellence is a plant typical of the Mexican landscape

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