Detoxification Part Two

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Learn to make your own fermented vegetables

Fermented vegetables are easily done by anyone. They are also the most cost effective way to introduce large amounts of probiotics in your diet healthy. To learn how, review the following interview with Caroline Barringer, a specialist in nutritional therapy and training expert in nutritional gaps alementelor prescribed program of dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. In addition to the wealth of information shared in this interview, I strongly recommend buying the book Syndrome

Psychology and intestines (Gut and Psychology Syndrome), which provides all the necessary protocol of Dr. food gaps. McBride's.
Although you can use native bacteria cabbage or other vegetables, it is usually easier to get consistent results using a culture initiation. Caroline prepared hundreds of jars of fermented vegetables each week and discovered that achieve excellent results using three to four capsules of probiotics to trigger the fermentation process.

AVOID it to optimize your intestinal flora!

With the consumption of fermented foods and / or supplements of high quality, it is essential to avoid sugars, including fructose. Sugar feeds pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, fungi in the intestines, which could actually harm you more than his impact on insulin resistance. One of the major results of a healthy diet similar to that prescribed above is to do so as intestinal flora blossom, and it achieves a secondary real "magic" to restore your health.
Remember, an estimated 80% of your immune system is located in the intestines, which is another reason to "take care" intestinal flora yours, which is an essential element of good health. A robust immune system, supported by internal flourishing ecosystem is your number one defense against all diseases, from the common cold to cancer. I am sure that together we can create a movement that will lead more people to catalyze a movement that would make most people to implement this ancient wisdom of diet in their usual eating patterns, then we will see a radical change in health.

Detoxifying drink that protect you from many diseases

Toxins that accumulate in the body are the main cause of many diseases. To reduce your risk of suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases, consume this drink detoxification.
This is a ginger-based drink because it is one of the ingredients that remove toxins from the body before they trigger inflammatory processes that can put your health at risk.

How does it affect toxins

Experts point out that the toxins poison the body, causing illness body cells. In addition, toxins accumulated blood vessel walls causing hypertension and cardiovascular diseases that you may be fatal.

On the other hand, excess toxins trigger the digestive system disorders such as gastritis, colitis, ulcers, pancreatitis, diabetes and other metabolic diseases. Salt is also a toxin that affects the joints and bones when excess submit to their level. Therefore, arthritis and osteoarthritis occur.

How to prepare detoxifying drink

Although toxins have many harmful effects on the body, they can be kept under control and eliminated from the body by eating ginger.

Based beverage ginger, you need 200 ml of boiling water, a little ginger root (10-20 grams) or a teaspoon of powdered ginger. The mixture was allowed to infuse for 10 minutes, followed by addition of a spoon of honey lemon juice, taste.

Half of the drink produced is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach and rest during the day, between meals, with small sips.

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