Digital Image Processing

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Today i am going to told about Digital Image Processing.


It is a field on which we apply different techniques on image. We take image as input and then apply varieties of algorithm according to the requirement and then we get our output image. Noise reduction , blurring effect reduction and many different types of problems solve through image processing. So in short we take our input in the form of image from camera and then apply different algorithms by using computer and then we get our output image.

For basic understanding we must know following steps:

Image Acquisition :

This is the first step of image processing. We first acquire image with the help of digital camera , cam , mobile camera , scanner or other equipment. In this step we also decide that is our image is colored or gray scale image ? 

Image Storage :

This is the second step of image processing. In the step we store our image through proper extension like Bit Map , JPEG , Tiff etc. These extension are according to the requirement. We also adjust resolution and the storage medium whether we store it in a computer or in a memory card.

Enhancement and Restoration :

In this step we enhance the quality of the image according to the requirement like Contrast , gamma level and color adjustment etc. Also Denoising and Deblurring are done in this step if required.

Information Extraction :

Now after all the above steps for adjusting the image according to the required application out image is now being ready.

Processed Application :

In this step we perform some action or techniques upon desired application in order to verify our output.

Above all these are some basic steps in Digital Image Processing which we must understood if we want learn Digital Image Processing. 


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