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The dowry system has been existing in Pakistan from times immemorial. It has been a custom to give the daughter at the time of her marriage a dowry by way of her portion in her father’s property. In the beginning, it was a very noble and praiseworthy system.

               In recent times, however, the dowry system has become a curse. Marriage, which was considered to be something sacred, has become a game for dowry-hunters. They marry for the sake of money and not for the sake of the bride. Poor parents, who cannot afford to give rich dowries, find themselves in a fix.

               The dowry system has become an unmixed evil in our modern society. Many young girls , cannot marry because their parents are too poor to give a handsome or rich dowry. People have become so greedy that they demand motor-car in dowries. The entire system has become so corrupt that it has assumed the proportion of a headache for the parents.

               Many parents incur huge debts in order to give dowries to their daughters. They work hard during the rest of their lives to pay off the debts. Poor clerks, poor teachers, or poor middle class men have to overwork in order to save money for the dowries of their daughters. This is not all. There are other evils too.

                Sometimes the greedy parents of the bridegroom tease and torture their daughter-in-law because she has brought a poor dowry with her. Many young married girls commit suicide when they find their domestic life embittered by the daily taunts of their mothers-in- law.

                     The dowry system is one of the major social evils. Public opinion should be educated first and it is the duty of all religious and social reformers to focus their attention on the evils of this system. The Press can also do a lot in moulding the opinion of the people. It should bring home to the people numerous evils of system. The plight of poor parents who cannot afford dowries can easily be imagined. Take the case of a poor clerk. He gets a very low salary. He has to bring up a large family. In these times when prices are high and income low, a poor clerk cannot be expected to save anything. How can he then meet the demands of the dowry-hunters. Unless he borrows money, he cannot give a dowry to his daughter.

                 The abolition of dowry system will restore dignity and self-respect to our women. At present they are brought. If this is abolished, they would be respected and honoured for their own sake and not for the sake of the dowry. There is, however, one shortcoming to the abolition of thee dowry system by law. Our people are so demoralized that they employ underhand means to defeat the purpose of law. They will give and receive dowries by employing the tricks of the black market. It is, therefore, necessary that a strong public opinion should be organized by the Government, the public and the Press against the dowry system. Those persons who support this system should be publicly condemned or socially boycotted.

                 There is no doubt whatsoever that if the dowry system is abolished , it will bring relief to thousands of anxious and worried parents. It will also restore sanctity and purity to the system of marriage. At the same time our women will be able to hold their heads high and enjoy dignity and self-respect. Many parents who spend sleepless nights because they cannot afford dowries, will heave a sigh of relief. There would be no dowry-hunters. There would be less domestic unhappiness and more of married bliss.


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