In the old days, there is a huge mountain, mountainside eagles have a nest. In groups of four large eggs. An earthquake shook the mountains, an eagle egg rolled down and fell into a chicken farm at the foot of the mountain. A volunteer hen incubating her eggs large.

One day, the egg hatched a baby eagle beautiful, but sadly little bird was raised as a chicken. Soon, the eagle believed it was only a little more than chicken. The eagle loved his family and home lives, but his soul still crave something more lofty. Until one day, while playing in the yard, the eagle looked to the sky and see the birds wingspan eagles are flying high in the sky.

"Oh - the eagle cried - I wish I could fly like the birds."

Chicken flocks laughed: "You can not fly with the bird that is. Kingdom is a chicken and chickens do not fly high".

The eagle looked up at the family continued its true, dreams can soar with them. Every once eagles say their dream, chick flocks make it impossible happen. It is believed the eagle was finally real. Then dream no more eagles and continue to live like a chicken. Finally, after a long time living as chickens, eagles die.

In life, too: If you believe that you are an ordinary person, you will live a mediocre life tasteless, just as he had believed. So, if you've ever dreamed of becoming an eagle, you pursue that dream ... and do not live like a chicken!