Eight Ways To Lose Weight In Seven Days

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Losing weight must have two variables. The first is (output) your daily activity and the second one is (input) your daily eating habits. These two factors are very essential if you want to decrease your appetite. One must have a mountain of motivations to set a goal for yourself to achieve the body you want and patience but you have to do first some necessary precautions for you to begin. Before starting into any diet pr exercise program, you should consult you physician if you are advisable to do so.

   Appetite suppression techniques is one of the best method to help you normalize your appetite by helping you satisfy or control your hunger drive. The goal for you, if you are an over-eater is to change you"out-of-control" eating habits and to normalize your hunger drive.

   Here is a list of suggestions that you can follow to lose weight.

1. Do exercise every day. Why not some do jogging every morning while walking around the street to strengthen those lazy bones? Do it for about twenty to thirty minutes a day or any aerobic exercise will do. By regular physical exertion the body tends to operate normally for its activity and it can also help you reduce your appetite while getting your body physically fit and active!

2. Do not skip your meal. Eat three times a day on a regular basis. Skipping meals builds excessive hunger. To make matters worst, most meal skippers over eat for the most inactive part of the day. If you would consider from a weight loss perspective, it is better to eat bigger breakfast, lunch, and smaller dinner. This way, you will be able to burn your calories during your active hours. Choose to eat healthy foods!

3. Drink a glass of lemon water, grape fruit, or tomato juice twenty minutes before eating. The fluid makes you feel full and would be a great appetite suppressant throughout the day. Always keep track of your fluid intake.

4. Eat meals alone. Study sows that people eat less when dining alone, and the more people at the table, the more the food consumed! The explanation cited: Groups may increase appetite arousal and increase competition of available food.

5. Eat slowly. Most overweight people tend to eat so fats, they are able to shovel too much food before the hypothalamus in the brain makes them feel satisfied. By putting down the fork between bites, you will be setting up rest periods to give your brain time to satisfied.

6. Get busy. By doing a host of enjoyable activities, you will be naturally focused away from food. Play your favorite sports with your friends or anything which interest you to get occupied for a moment so get motivated and involved!

7. You can reduce stress and anxiety by doing relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or biofeedback. Many people eat in response to stresses in their lives and become obese in the process.

8. Look at yourself to the mirror. Be honest. Would you be glad to lose some extra pounds and get the body you want without putting so much effort? For better result, try VENUS FACTOR, it is one of the hottest weight loss program which is currently available in the market today. A diet and fitness system design exclusively for female body. Not only it is easy to used and gives you all the education you will have to know about nutrition, it was also proven and tested by thousands of women around the world and hailed as a new approach to losing weight effectively and easily and reshape your body.

For more testimonial you can visit there official web page here: 
