Facebook the great invention or end of our privacy

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According to my point of view Facebook play their role as great invention and it end our privacy .great invention in words like it is a social media where peoples post pictures and videos of any event occur near him or her , in this way all the peoples know about that news and that news spread in world .this is an important factor of Facebook. 

Another important factor of Facebook is that peoples share their feeling and their emotion in the form of status and share their pictures of specific event and peoples like their pictures and as well as special videos of their specific event and they collect their appreciation in the form of "like" and "comments" .

Facebook ends the privacy like peoples upload their status then their friends which gives "comment" on that post then their relatives did not like that comments about post . some time status of their feeling and emotion ends their privacy.

Girls which do not knows other boys and send their pictures to them when boys deceives girls then boys spoil their life by sharing pictures on Facebook they spoil their privacy . 

Any invention which have both factors good and bad this is up to us which factor we use.

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cricket ...chemistry...Imran khan

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