Farkhunda, what shall I say
How to tell this endless story
From her eyes of tears
To the boldness in her face
Her injured body
I cry out with her pain
They broke her legs and hands
Yet still she stood
They pulled her silken hair
They razed her beautiful skin
Her face was bloody
They kicked her thin body
With a closed mouth
She begged with her eyes
For the sake of God
I am innocent, innocent
They uncovered her
But she still stood strong
I haven’t done anything wrong
They burned her body, could not mute her voice
They were men
Famous for bravery
Surrounding one woman
They were men
Called themselves manly Muslims
Tortured a helpless woman
Setting fire to a defenseless woman
Calling themselves patrons of Islam
They were men
Mark them forever as traitors
Those savage rioters
In the bodies of men
Farkhunda suffered and died
But her force lives on