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Now a day’s fashion are becoming popular among the students./ Fashion means something new in the matter of life. It is the nature of man that it likes novelty in their life. Nab get bored from old things and wanted something new for him.


He feels pleasure in new things. When a man adopts new styles in dress hair, shoes is known as fashionable. Now a day’s fashion is increasing day by day. Young girls and boys are found of fashion. Everyone wanted to show his wealth. By adopting fashion in dress hair shoes they show their vanity.


Boys and girls devote most of their time in fashion. They wanted to show their status high. Young generation adopting fashion techniques from TV dramas and internet. They are wasting time in it, which has value to their bright future. They destroy their future by indulging themselves in fashion.


By adopting fashion they are wasting their time and money. They do not concrete on their studies. They only waste time in thinking about fashion because they wanted to keep themselves up to date. Fashion is a new trend of our society. It creates a big change in our whole society. 

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