Female Schools in Herat

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“When I was a fifth grader I was sitting on a floor without even any carpet.”  This is the voice of Maryam, 23, who studies 11th grade at Mehri High School. She said that on that time, about seven years ago the plight of education in Herat was not that good.

On that time, they did not enjoy any modern classes, professional instructors; classes were not equipped with desks and any other class necessities.

 Maryam added that on that time she was not tended in attending school as much as she does today. She explained that, “Sometimes my teachers at school were hitting me and my other classmates with flogs.”

She says that she has got different bad memories of the time when the new government of Afghanistan took the power after the fall of the Taliban.

Today’s Girls’ Schools in Herat


Today, Maryam does not suffer from lack of class equipment. Everything is ready for her at school. She is not sitting on a floor with no carpet. She and her classmates sit on new desks and behind computers instead.

Maryam says that, “Afghan Citadel Software Company has already equipped our school with free internet class and computers.” They do not need to spend time outside for performing their assignment and any other project they are given at school.

Maryam is now a modern girl. She knows how to use from the social media as well as she has got hundreds friends on Twitter, Facebook, and some other social networks.

This is not only Maryam, from Mehri High School, but there are thousands of other girls who know how to use from the social media. In fact, most of Herat female school girls feel themselves modern.



About the author


I am Omar Nasir Mojaddidi, who has already graduated from Journalism Faculty of Herat University. Since I have got a deep interest in Journalism field, I established Zohal Radio Station about five years ago. Besides,I am the elected head Journalist's House in Herat Afghanistan.

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