Film Review: Snow white and the huntsman

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This is a very interesting story. A beautiful girl named "Snow white" live with her family . His father was a prince and was very kind man. Suddenly her mother died and after sometime time of her death a war started in that state.  The king defeated his enemies and was very happy. In all this , a beautiful woman was a slave and king decided to merry her. So he did this. At night king came to know that his new wife is a witch . She killed his husband and hold over the state and called his fellows there. She put Snow white behind bars in an alone room .So no one knows that she is alive or not. 

The witch has a magic mirror. to which she often asks that Who is most beautiful woman in the world?

Mirror tells him "You are the most beautiful woman in this world."

But once she asked the same question and mirror replied that "Snow white is the most beautiful woman in the world ".

She became angry and decided to kill her. So she send her brother to Snow white to bring her . Snow white manged to escape from pression. And ran towards to forest. So witch sent a man to find her, her name was "Huntsman". Huntsman do not bring her back . And they fell in love with each other. they met some other peoples who were against the witch. They manage to kill the witch and made Snow white princess of the state.


Please watch and enjoy this movie.


About the author


I am Noshaba Bibi ,24 years old ,
done Mcs from Virtual university and I am a blogger.

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