Focus on your WAIST , not WEIGHT

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We all have visceral fat --- and it isn't all bad . It provides necessary cushioning around organs .

The problem is when there's too much of it . This is then linked to a greater chance of developing HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE , DIABETES , HEART DISEASE , DEMENTIA , and certain CANCERS ( including breast cancer and colon cancer ) .

What's too much ? Get a measuring tape , wrap it around your waist , and check your girth .

Do it while you're standing up , and make sure the tape measure is level . Aim for less than 35 inches if you're a woman and less than 40 inches if you're a man .


Retaining fat around your stomach is often a sign of toxic from chemicals in the foods you eat and your environment , it seeks to protect you as best as it can . One of the ways this happens is that your body retains fat in order to store the toxins so they are insulated from your organs .

Detoxifying , then , is a great step towards losing weight in your abdominal area .




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