FREE bitLanders TIPS to get high rating in Blog Reviews

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Hello wonderful people of bitLanders. Once again, I am here to offer some FREE bitLander TIPS – but this time, the free advises offered in this post will focus about what blogs to write and what topic to submit to possibly get high ratings (and of course, we all know that a high rating means high earnings)

(Photo Credits: jikZ via

Moving on,  know for a fact that some members have difficulty writing a blog for which they can submit for review – while others just don't know or have zero idea what topic to write about. Because of this they fear that they will just waste ten gems because they might get a low score. This is the reason why they couldn't submit one as much as they want. Needless to say, in this site submitting blogs is the way to go.

Obviously, the blog writing tips offered in this post are quite crucial – especially for members who are serious in making or earning money here in bitLanders. That being said, it is highly advisable for any viewers to read and truly comprehend the free blog writing tips offered in this post.

Write about blogs that interest you

(Photo Credits: szabee78 via

The best way to compose a blog out of a whim is to write about topics that interest you. This basically means to write about topics that you feel at ease or comfortable when writing. One good example is to write something about your hobbies. If you would look at my earlier works here in bitLanders, you will see that I have written quite a lot about toy collecting. If you would also look at some of my galleries, you would also see a few samples of my collections.

If one would ask, why my recent works no longer showcase toy collecting, this is because whatever posts I write about said topic (toy collecting), I already put it in my personal blog ( Since my yohohon blog is pure awesomeness, it is already equipped or is incorporated with Google's AdSense.

Anyway, the bottom line is, if I were to write a bitLanders blog that I will submit for review, I can easily do so by writing something about my toy collecting hobby. Besides, putting up photos of your hobby in the gallery and using those for your blog has like twice the earnings yet double the fun.

Write about those with personal connection

(Photo Credits: Phil Gerbyshak via

If for instance or in a rare chance that you don't have a hobby, then here’s another free bitLanders tip: choose to write topics that you have a personal connection with. This means that you have a first hand or has personal experience in the topic that you are going to write about.

I will be using again my written works here in bitLanders as an example. If you would notice, I have written a number of blogs regarding different movie reviews. This obviously follows that I have seen a particular movie for me to write a review about it. Since I have a background or knowledge of what I am writing about, the words comes naturally as I write or type.

You may also notice that I am quite passionate about climate change and renewable energy. Hence, I have written some blogs on these topics as well.

Write blogs that readers will find interesting

(Photo Credits: Morgan Freeman via

Let us say that you have already exhausted writing blogs regarding the first two sections, or that you are burned out in writing posts about those ideas – then the next great thing that you can write about are posts that may interest your readers.

I will take the current political situation here in the Philippines as an example. A lot of international media outlets or foreign groups have been somewhat condemning the country's current president (President Duterte). There have been various reports that has something to do with human right violations or extra judicial killings. If you are a Filipino member who has no idea of what to blog about, then maybe you can write about your views or opinions about the sample political situation here in the Philippines.

Put a catchy title

(Photo Credits: via

Aside from the topic, another important element when writing a blog post is a catchy title. If you would think about it, this particular blog writing tip makes a lot of sense. No matter how beautifully crafted a blog is, if it goes unnoticed, then all of it would go to waste.

The best way to catch the attention of a reader is a title that they can easily notice. One they noticed the title and they find it to be something worth reading, then the next natural thing to do is to click on it.

Of course, at this point, you might be probably wondering, how to craft a great blog title. Don’t worry, you are not alone – other readers also have the same inquiring minds.

Anyway, below are some tips and aspects that you might consider when thinking of a blog title:

• Give the reader an idea of what to expect but in an inquisitive way
• Integrate the keywords but keep it minimal at best
• Don’t go crazy with a wacky title

The above bullets are quite straightforward and already explanatory. But to get a broader perspective, look at the following example.

Normal title for this blog:
Free Blog Writing Tips

New title including the concept of the bullets above:
FREE bitLanders TIPS to get high rating in Blog Reviews

Put an equally engaging introduction

(Photo Credits: Richard Forest via">">

Unfortunately, an attention grabbing title is just half the battle. The next step is to find a way on how the reader will stay glued to your blog long enough so that he or she can get to the interesting body or content of the blog. The answer to this lies with the introduction.

A great introduction will surely keep the reader and prevent him or her from leaving. Let’s face it, a catchy title followed by a weak introduction would most likely discourage the reader from continuing to read your blog. One of the main assurance that a reader will read until the end is with a strong introduction.

Again, don’t worry on how to make a strong blog introduction – the tips listed on the bullets below should help you out:
• Set the tone of the introduction in such a way that it will influence the mood of the reader to stay
• Explain in a simple but casual manner on what the blog is all about
• Prepare the reader for any portions of the blog if it is important for them to know beforehand

Impress the Reader with the Content

After you piqued the reader's attention with your catchy title, and ensured that they continue reading with your engaging and informative introduction – then be sure not to disappoint them with your blog’s content.

If you have been truly paying attention to this blog, then you would have noticed that the tips delivered on the beginning of this post is all about choosing a great content that you would have no problem writing about.

However, to quickly reach the leaderboard and truly maximize the earning potential while doing so, then choose one of the numerous topics offered by Querlo – the Chatbot with the Human Touch.

As I have been mentioning on different posts, Querlo is brought to you by the same awesome team behind bitLanders. This is the reason why writing about Querlo topics are usually offered with higher rewards (some are in fact doubled).

Anyway, if you would like to try out the blog writing tips offered for free in this post, then you it would be advisable to use it by choosing a topic from Querlo.

For instance, a few weeks back, NYAC's Open Judo Tournament was sponsored by Querlo. Because of this, blogs regarding this specific topic are rewarded higher than the usual. Here is a link of what I wrote about NYAC's Open Judo Tournament:

"Querlo Sponsors NYAC Open Judo Championship"

Of course there are other topics beside Judo. Below is a Querlo Chat topuc that may interest you (on top of that, it is also about helping children):

That’s just about it. If you want to know more information about Querlo, watch the video below:


(Video Credit: Sky High Advertising via


About the author


nothing about jikZ is interesting.
Now that's interesting (*'▽'*)
K. Thanks. Bye. *poof* magic jikZ is gone to wander around bitLand :D

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