FRONT ROW a short film by Mark Kuczewski

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So I know it’s taken a little longer than I said originally but it’s finally here, my latest short Front Row. I have been incredibly busy the past couple of months and grading is a long process that I have had to fine tune over this past week. The film will be updated in the blog just as soon as its online but I am just exporting now.


I have been absent from the site lately and that’s due to December being a very busy month for me. I start school tomorrow so no doubt the busyness will continue however I will be making an extra effort to do many more blog posts to keep you updated on future shorts I will be doing.


I just want to mention a few people, Anderson West ( who is a great friend of mine and a great filmmaker. Andy Salamonczyk ( who I worked with very recently and is a talented director.  Iain Goodyear ( who has been very kind with his words over the past few months. Fuzzy Duck ( who I worked for a couple of years ago and working on some great jobs right now.


And finally Film Annex without whom, I am sure I would not have as many films under my belt right now. Thanks guys.





About the author


Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years many of witch are now making their way round the festival circuit. Ready or Not has picked up awards for ‘Best thriller’ and the ‘No Limits Award’ as well as being screened at Eat our…

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