Funny Stupid Love

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Funny Stupid Love


Some times, we are used to do things that from the start we already knew they are wrong. I tried thinking for so many times, why we keep on doing it again, and again, again until they become habitual. We are also aware that these "funny stupid love" behaviors cause irritation, arguments, hurt feelings, anger, hatred and worst all ruined relationships.

For me, these are not funny at all. In fact, these are merely non-sense in nature. Honesty, I sometimes do a couple of these. But promise, just keep it secret, only between the two of us. ^_^

Okay, here are some of these so called "funny stupid love":

1. You are making all the ways to make her or him jealous, but the truth is, you are the one who is jealous with her/him for something or somebody else.

2. You initiate a quarrelsome atmosphere to let her/him be angry, so that later on when everything is mellow and has been resolved, she/he will become extra sweeter and romantic with you.

3. You are emoting too much trying so hard to forget everything immediately when relationship fails and both part-ways. But the truth is you can't, because you're still hurting inside. Oh come on, let it die naturally, just move on.

4. You are madly in love, but she or he doesn't know about it. Oh my, are you dreaming? What do you think of this person a fortune teller? Do I need to give a glass or a pail of icy water?

5. You talked and behaved so seriously. An when everything is already okay, it turned out its only a joke, you're just kidding. Duh! Are you expecting me to laugh or even just smile in that given situation?

6. You and you partner sulked or broke up. In bad mood and temper you deleted all his or her contacts, the mobile numbers, email address, networks lists,netc. What is this drama all about again? You have memorized all of these, how can you erase them in your mind?

7. You told yourself and firmly said you don't love her or him anymore. And why are you still thinking of her/him and still reminiscing especially when you're alone and listening to your favorite music?

8. You said you don't care about her/him anymore, or whatever she/he does with her/his life. And why if she/he sick or met any untoward incidents, you're rattled, restless and panicking?


This is only an initial list, I know there are still something in your mind. Just add them here.

Anyways in what number(s) aren you in? Promise I wont tell anybody. I will also keep it secret. ^_^


About the author


The original Doodsdpogi in the city

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