Global Warming: Egyptian Mummies Extinction??

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Summer is near and the heat is really on, People are eager to go to the beach and enjoy the cool waters but we should not be that happy-The world is getting warmer and warmer that the Ozone Layer is becoming thin.

Effects of global warming is becoming more and more dangerous. One example for this is heat stroke and the  on the other hand would be the extinction of mummies.


According to Discovery Channel..


Almost 120 mummies at the University of Tarapaca's archaeological museum in Chile are decomposing faster than ever.

The Chinchorro mummies are radiocarbon-dated back to 5050 BC, making them the world's oldest known man-made mummies.

Upon investigation, a group of Harvard scientists, led by Dr. Ralph Mitchell, discovered that small, flesh-eating microbes are flourishing thanks to increased humidity attributed to climate change.

Egyptian mummies have a major preservation advantage over the Chinchorros: Africa's bone-dry desert climate generally prevents such microbes from growing in large numbers. In humid Chile, however, the mummies are degrading into a black, sludge-like substance at an alarming rate.

Archaeologists from Tarapaca are working with the Harvard group to optimize humidity, light and temperature conditions within museum facilities to prevent further decomposition.

Although mummies are dead, they are to be preserved to look back to history and preserve the dead culture.


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NiCknAme : JALOU . Ü
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