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In terrestrial ecosystem,the earlier timing of spring events,and poleward and upward shifts in plant and animal ranges,have been linked with high confidence to the recent warming.Future climate change is thought to particularly affect certain ecosystems,including tundra,mangroves and coral reefs.It is estimated that most ecosystems will affected by higher atmospheric carbon dioxide levels,combined with higher global temperatures.Over all it is said that climate change will result in the extinctions of many species and reduced diversity of ecosystems.

The extinction of species may disturb the life cycle at one hand and create deficiency of natural food for humans at other one.Apart from the variations in the ecosystem the “global warming” has also made the social system vulnerable to certain and at times catastrophic changes which have serious implications for the mankind. Vulnerability of human society to climate change mainly lies in the effects of extreme weatherevents rather than gradual climate change.Impacts of climate change so far include adverse effects on small islands,adverse effects on indigenous population in high latitude areas,and small but discemable effects on human health.

Over the 21st century ,climate change is likely to adversely affect hundreds of millions of people through increased coastal flooding,reductions in water supplies,increase malnutrition and increased health impacts.The world today witness extreme malnutrition and food inflation particularly in the LDCs ( Least Developed Countries).Accordind to an estimated today more than 850 million people in the world are undernourished .Future warming of around 3 degree centigrade (by 2100) could result in decreased crop yields increasing the risk of malnutrition in low latitude areas.Most economic studies suggest losses of world gross domestic products (GDP) for this magnitude of warming. Due to global warming and more specifically due to green house gases,ozone layer is depleting very fast.

Ozone layer which is a protecting shield,present at a certain height of 25 to 30 kilometers in stratosphere,prevents human being from certain harmful radiations such as ultra violet (UV) and other dangerous radiations.These radiations can have severe impact on humans by causing skin cancer,brain tumors and other related diseases so at present there is a million square km hole in ozone layer,mainly concentrated over Antarctic continent.All the aforementioned upshots instigate mankind and all those who are at the helm of affairs to adopt certain mechanism to halt or after atleast mitigate the magnitude of the “global warming”.It is necessary that the individuals also remain aware of the magnitude and impacts of this global issue.

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i am born to be real,not to be perfect...

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