"The giggle is the involuntary release of urine in response to giggling or laughter. It may be related to cataplexy, a sudden transient episode of loss of muscle tone often triggered by strong emotions." I just read this online.

This is what I want to do to you. Basically I just want to make you laugh so hard that you pee yourself. Has this ever happened to any of you?

Whenever I can get someone to do this, it's a good day for me. If I can gt you top laugh so hard that you lose bladder control, then I am on my comedic game.

It sounds cruel, but you have to understand I live to make people smile and laugh. It is my drug of choice. The sound of laughter reminds me that the world and it's inhabitants, are not all that bad. Regardless of what is going on.

I've never laughed so hard that I peed myself, but I have made my stomach hurt laughing.