How bitMiles solves the Advertising Industry issues with ad-blockers

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Recent changes brought by third-party technologies such as ad-blockers are revolutionizing the advertising industry. Before, brands and companies would measure the success of their advertising efforts with the number of clicks and following purchases. Ad-blockers are now changing the game and posing a serious threat to publishers.

How can Brands, Advertising Companies, Ad-Networks, and Publishers now compete for the attention of their users?

bitMiles solves issues brought by ad-blocker technologies by establishing a direct partnership with users and making them part of the process to evaluate and promote the brand and its products. While users are rewarded for their information, opinion, and purchase power, they learn more about the brand's products and services.

bitMiles rewards are the equivalent of a worldwide loyalty program that allows users to collect rewards and share information.


If you're an ad network or brand, contact us at and we'll test it with you!



About the author


bitLanders is a digital platform whose entire user base earns bitcoin for their content and social activity. The goal of bitLanders is to promote worldwide access to the genius of Blockchain technology in a fun, unique, and safe environment. bitLanders users build and engage content (videos, blogs, photos, advertisements). The…

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