How do you plan to have a perfect spare time?

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Time passes whether we use it in its best way or do nothing, we can’t stop the time even if we are happy or sad but the thing is that it just flies but we can manage to use it in a best way we can, as people are different in nature and habits so doing various things make them feel happy but the important thing is managing and controlling the time and this can be the secret of the highly successful people.

So what I mean by a perfect spare time?

Correct!!! Exactly….

Perfect spare time means to have the time in your hand and spend it in a way that you don’t regret afterwards and manage to do all your works… everyone can have one, it is easy. You can follow the steps below and do practice in your practical life and you will see the change…

  1. Planning: for every work we need to have a proper planning and with an exact date
  2. Controlling: the plans which have been made has to be controlled so that it has to occur in best manner and as per the plan, controlling has a big rule in a plan occurring in a right way because as per management planning and controlling are the two sides of a coin and none of them can be successful without each other.
  3. Organizing: organizing is that the plans which has been made have to occur as per their steps and take place in order.
  4. Directing: in this step the in charge person needs to take care of the things occurring and if it lacks in some of the places they have to make them correct or they can find another alternate options for the betterment of the plan and achieving the goals.

Eventually, by getting these points in mind the individuals can be successful in achieving of their aims and they will feel happy and relaxed without any kind of stress or getting harmed.

Moreover, such kind of planning for the whole week or the month makes everything in order and people can find the time for their picnics, even spending time with the family members which is a big deal in the modern world.

So, I recommend you to start from now and follow the steps and bring changes in your life as well you can find time for reading your favorite books, watching any series or movies, meeting the friends whom you couldn’t meet in many years or simply go out and have a day out for yourself and the most important have a day for yourself and be yourself and enjoy!!!


Written By: Women’sAnnex Kabul

About the author


Women's Annex Kabul is a blogging and film platform that empowers the women and children of Central Asia with a "pay for content" model where bloggers and filmmakers get paid based on their Buzz (performance) Score. Monthly payouts on Women's Annex can range from as little as $5 per month…

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