How to remove a toxic person from your life???

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Definition of TOXIC from merriam dictionary-

1 : containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation. 2 : having substantially lowered worth; specifically : relating to or being an asset that has lost so much value that it cannot be sold on the market. toxic assets.

Don’t expect change-  They haven’t changed yet.  So don’t expect any change now.  They are toxic for a reason.  It will not be easy to do but give up all hope that one day they will get it and change for you.  It will never happen. Your Life and your Happiness depends on it.
Set Boundaries-  Set boundaries and do not feel sorry for the and give in.  They are poisoning your life and you must set boundaries to rid yourself of them.  Think about if you had a toxin where your kids play everyday.  You would not continue to let them play there.  You would either find a new place or remove the toxin.  If you don’t stick to your boundaries you will begin to be poisoned.  So stick by your decision and see it through. A breakup is the only way.
Don’t get pulled back in with some kind of emergency or crisis-  Toxic people know they are toxic.  They will get desperate and try to come up with some kind of crisis they need your help with.  DON’T GET PULLED BACK IN.
Choose your battles carefully-  I suggest to avoid them all together but if you can not be careful not to go to battle with them again.  They will begin to get desperate and this is when they can be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. So choose carefully to pursue the argument or just walk away.
Do not let them get to you- After you have made the decision to get them out of your life stick to it and don’t allow them to get under your skin.  That is what they want. Do not give them what they want. Be a big enough person to just walk away.
Recognize your weakness-  Recognize that one of your weakness is that you like to help/rescue people and you can not give into this and continue letting the toxin spread.
Take a stand and don’t have it any other way.  

Toxic people  are like a cancer that spreads very rapidly and slowly kills you in a very painful way.  You must cut the cancer off. Plain and simple. You can not try to fight it or hope it goes away you must cut it off or it will take over your entire body.  Once you have made the decision to cut it off seek support from friends and family if you need to but do not let down your stance. It will most definitely be difficult but don’t give up your happiness, and your well being for them.   After you have removed them you must have no contact with them at all because the cancer will spread again.  Don’t allow yourself to feel bad. Most toxic people know they are being harmful to the other person and they don’t care.  If they don’t care neither should you. Once they are out of your life you will begin to feel so much better right away.  It is hard to see how much damage they actually are doing to you when your going through it but now you can actually relax and be happy again.  Be careful not to fall for a toxic person again by working on your weakness that let them in your life to begin with.  Be Happy!!!!! There is nothing worse than being with someone and being unhappy.  We only live once so choose to be with people that bring out the best in you and make you happy.

By: Lucy in the sky on bitlanders

All photos taken from Picsart free images

About the author


I'm quirky,silly,blunt,and broken. My days are sometimes too dark,and my nights are sometimes to long. I often trip over my own insecurities. I require attention, long for passion, and wish to be desired. I use music to speak when words fail me, even though words are as important to me…

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