Video Credit: Learn English With Let's Talk via Youtube
A blog that is written in simple English is easy to read and understand. I have learned this technique throughout my freelancing course in Linked In Learning and Skill Success. So, what is Simple English? Basically, it means using the simplest words as possible, selecting short words over long words, and staying away from jargon and slang terms. Just think about what will happen if the reader can't understand what you are trying to say. Here are the possible scenarios:
If your blog is written using complex words, there is a high tendency that the reader won't finish reading what you have worked hard for. And the worse part is, it may not even be read at all.
It will cause misunderstanding between the writer and the reader.
It will cause confusion to the reader.
How to Write in Simple English
Image Credit: freelancermariagrace via Canva
So, how do you know if your blog is easy to read and understand? The best way to know it is to actually read aloud what you have written. Go inside your room, read aloud what you have written, and listen to the way they sound. By doing this, you will know when you have committed mistakes in your writing. Also when you read aloud, think of the person who will get your message. Will he/she like it? Will he/she able to understand it? Write from your heart, in a way that is proper, and with the right tone of voice. Make it a conversational tone as much as possible. This is a proven technique by well-know blog writers.
I am far from being a professional blog writer, but I do this all the time, and it works wonders.
Avoid wordiness
Image Credit: freelancermariagrace via Canva
This is one of the many rules in writing in Simple English. Avoid using wordy expressions and phrases to improve readability. Here are some examples:
Wordy Phrase Simplified English
- due to the fact that because
- with regard to about
- comply with keep to
- ensure make sure
- prior to before
- whilst while
- consequently so
Simplify sentence structure
Image Credit: freelancermariagrace via Canva
Just use the subject + verb + object agreement and you are good to go.
It should be easy to read
Image Credit: freelancermariagrace via Canva
Your blog should have readable paragraphs, 6-8 lines on average. Take advantage of the headings and bulleted lists. A bulleted list is easier to read and it instantly catches the attention of the reader.
Use proper grammar and punctuation
Image Credit: freelancermariagrace via Canva
Writing in Simple English does not necessarily mean you will just ignore the proper use of grammar and punctuation. Always check your grammar and punctuation. You can use the app called Grammarly to help you type more effectively and efficiently. Moreover, you can use it in your Gmail, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and even in your text messages.
Make sure that your writing is polite and useful
Image Credit: freelancermariagrace via Canva
Make sure what you are writing is polite and useful. Write something that will somehow help resolve the issues of your readers. Also, avoid using negative tone or words that might spark a heated discussion between you and the reader.
Chop off unclear words and expressions
Image Credit: freelancermariagrace via Canva
These are just senseless words that add nothing to a sentence except excess words. So, avoid it at any cost.
You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.
-- Annie Proulx Source: Inc
Video Credit: Learn English With Emma via Youtube
When you are writing, whether for your blog, personal or other use, it is always a good practice to do the following:
- Make an outline first. Get a piece of paper or open your notepad on your computer, and think of a topic that you are interested in writing about.
- Do some research. Spend an hour or two in doing a research on your topic, and don't forget to cite your sources.
- Write your draft. Make sure to choose words the reader will understand.
- Proofread. Read it aloud so you can find and correct the mistakes you have just made.
- Revise.
Image Credit: freelancermariagrace via Canva
Revising your work is important to enhance the clarity, content, and flow of your message. Here are some helpful tips:
- Again, read aloud what you have written. When you do this, you will find the mistakes in your work. For example, wordy phrases, wrong grammar and punctuation, redundancies, and too long sentence structure.
- Look at your writing with fresh eyes. Your eyes should be at optimal performance when you are writing to avoid committing many mistakes.
Image Credit: SkitterPhoto via Pixabay
- Before revising, wait up to 24 hours. Take a deep breath. Let your mind and body rest after finishing your work, so you will have enough energy to recheck everything the next day.
Image Credit: Cuncon via Pixabay
A book is made from a tree. It is an assemblage of flat, flexible parts (still called leaves) imprinted with dark pigmented squiggles. One glance at it and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, the author is speaking clearly and silently, inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another. Books break the shackles of time -- proof that humans can work magic.
--Carl Sagan Source: inc
Final Thoughts
If you want your blog to get a lot of attention from readers, it should be written in Simple English. Simple English is easy to read and understand. Just use the simplest words as possible, and avoid using jargon and slang words. Also, don't forget to check your grammar and punctuation and follow the best practices in order to yield the best output always.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have learned something good from me today.
Have a great day ahead.
Written by: freelancermariagrace for Bitlanders