IamSatoshi - Trailer 1 [ideology and activism embedded into code ]

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Source: IamSatoshi

IamSatoshi Trailer 1 [ideology and activism embedded into code ]
By: Tomer Kantor
IamSatoshi is a 52 minute documentary, portraying a montage of bold, verbal and graphic assessments, dubbed over synched video art to a carefully edited underscore. Through a strict investigation process of the decentralized experiment Bitcoin, as an innovative open source protocol to global finance; this practice-based ethnographic research, effectively shares the role of money being the medium, and how society perceives it. Through this journey, we get to learn about the origin and ethics of Bitcoin's developers and users and, explore their wide spectrum of professions, beliefs and social representation. We will try to uncover how they see Bitcoin as a form of digitized speech.
Bitcoin is a world of international finance that is completely encrypted and peer to peer. Bitcoin as the object of my study, leads to interest in cultural and financial networks, and their ever going struggle with hierarchies. As a decentralised form of money, people on the Internet, with an application download, can immediately become partners in a global economy that respects users' freedom and their community. This form of digitised speech is free from third party and government controls.
Top economists and academics have been examining and arguing the lack of trust in the global economy. It is said for well over a decade that trust, whether in money or institutions, is necessary for a stable economy. We have seen official studies, organizations and even conservative finance professionals, calling for monetary reforms due to integrity devastation. It's also been said that during periods of market transformation, invaders can reintroduce more fluid social- movement-like conditions. Every bitcoin transaction is a contract. How can qualities such as transparency and triple-accounting can help restore trust in Global Finance? Could a perception shift tilt our notion to a 'community game'? Can an alternative currency break us of our deeply embedded assumptions about the validity of a centralized-state authentication process?
The form of the journey is framed by an investigative approach to expose, research and explore different ways, in which, a cryptographic distributed network can challenge certain issues individuals and societies face globally, and at times propose more a resilient and effective alternative. A network of trust.
The filmmaker, Tomer Kantor, recorded over fifty interviews with industry professionals from five different continents; exploring Bitcoin as a Person-to-Person world-wide organizational structure. The research deploys reflexive interviewing techniques ranging East African developers, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and London's Squats practitioners. In conjunction to the interviews, new media tools such as alternative and mainstream media platforms and, relevant case studies such as: Bernard Lietaer’s, New Money For A New WorldBret Scott’s, The Heretic’s Guide To Global Finance and Michel Feher's seminar The Neoliberal Condition were examined and studied.
The project has been effectively shared through the blog IamSatoshi.com, with the majority of visitors’ traffic being Bitcoin enthusiasts. As Bitcoin becomes a more mainstream concern, as is evident through the project’s analytics, the main beneficiaries have become new Bitcoin users and people who seek to understand the power that lies in: a neutral alternative currency, cryptography, decentralized technologies and the politics associated with open-source code writing. The first trailer produced from footage recorded, led to the it winning the 'Most Creative Video' award at the first Blockchain Awards in Amsterdam. It was an open-voting that attracted around 1500 voters. The second (shorter), trailer is presenting a unique style of animation with the Voice Over of one of Bitcoin's strongest representative voices.


Trailer 1 [ideology and activism embedded into code ] Winner Most Creative Video 1st Blockchain Awards:                                                                     

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About the author


A documentary-research video project that explores Bitcoin

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