Interrup Programming In AVR- Atmega 16Bit (Part 2)

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                                                    MCUCR(MCU Control Register)

                               MCUCSR(MCU Control and Status Regiter)

GIFR (General Interrupt Flag Register) has external interrupt flags. When an external interrupt is
occurs, corresponding flag of that external interrupt is raised. When microcontroller jumps of the
interrupt vector table, flag is automatically cleared or we can clear the flag by writing high on it.

                              GIFR(General Interrupt Flag Register)


This program generates a square wave of 5Hz (200ms) on PortA , Bit 0 using Timer0 CTC
interrupt.  Moreover,  at  the  same  time,  using  External  Hardware  Interrupt  INT2  is
configured on falling edge. Upon each INT2 falling edge interrupt, value of Port D is
//Macros Definition
#define BitSet(p,m) ((p) |= (m))
#define BitClear(p, m) ((p) &= ~(m))
#define BitFlip(p,m) ((p) ^= (m))
#define Bit(x) (0x01 << (x))
int main(void)
DDRD = 0xFF; //Make PortD output
BitSet(DDRA, Bit(0)); //Make PA0 output
BitClear(DDRB, Bit(2)); //Make PB2 as input for INT2
BitSet(PORTB, Bit(2)); //Internally pull-up PB2
BitSet(TIMSK, Bit(1)); //Enable OC0IE bit to enable Timer0 Compare Mode interrupt
BitSet(GICR, Bit(5)); //Enable INT2 bit to enable External Interrupt 2
BitClear(MCUCSR, Bit(6));//Configure Falling edge triggered INT2 interrupt
sei(); //Enable Global Interrupt
OCR0 = 98; //98 calculated in the last lab for 0.1 seconds time
TCCR0 = 0x0D; //0000 1101, CTC Mode, Crystal Clock, 1024 prescaler
while(1); //Stay here forever
//Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) of Timer0 CTC Mode & External Int errupt INT2
ISR (TIMER0_COMP_vect) //ISR for Timer0 CTC Output Compare
BitFlip(PORTA, Bit(0)); //Toggle PB0
ISR (INT2_vect) //ISR for External Interrupt INT2
PORTD++; //At every falling edge of INT2, increment Port D


About the author


Me from Pakistan and im the student of undergraduate;BS Electronics.

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