Just the Beginning

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I have always like the feeling of being independent. I want to be able to obtain what I want without asking anyone or having anyone ask me. At first everything seemed to be going just the way I wanted it to I barley turned eighteen I had a good full time job and I was going to school. I recently started working for an international bank I was so proud of myself for what I have accomplished but I guess I was too in my head and I don't know what went wrong and I lost my job. Everyone always told me life was always unpredictable but I thought I knew better and I could handle anything that comes my way. I was so wrong. Bills started adding up and what seemed as small purchases turned into bigger ones and more expensive. I got dental work done and my boyfriend just got stopped for improper lane change. It may not seem like a lot but for a nineteen year old it was. I had to find 1000 for here and another 2000 for over there and it kept piling up.  

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