Let My Love Fill the Sky

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I was drifting away to my fantasy world,
when a poem came upon me, with beauty unfurled.
A waving stream of dazzling words I could see.
I stared in amazement as they sensuously
danced snake-like as they gracefully floated past me.
I thought it was Majik that had taken my heart,
this moment frozen, forever, quite set apart!
One sacred moment too special for chatter
filled me with joy but left me much sadder.
Romeo and Juliet, Scarlet and Rhett
Majik just whispered all of this in my head.

I raced like a mad woman for paper and pen
To capture the breath taking words I had seen.
The words evaporated, melting away,
in a rainbow of colors they began to fade.
Madly I grasped, trying to pull them to me
Her touch was fleeting and light as a sigh,
leaving these words, “let my love fill the sky.”

I captured six words, six words were all that I saved
I wrote down the words, then read them slowly, aloud.
“Let my love fill the sky,” “Let my love fill the sky!”
Then I could feel it release from my breast, feel it rise.
The horizon is filled with my love energy.
I have faith in the signs that God has given me.
All that is required is the faith of a mustard seed. 

About the author


just call me Dhelia , whatever where you are , i'm coming for you

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