Love = Pain

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You broke my heart.

But still I love you with all the pieces.

The feeling to be love and beloved is one of the best feeling and the greatest gift that you will ever received. But not all the day, not all the time, you've experience happiness when it comes to love. It is always situated to pain. Do you agree with that? When you tell you are ready to love and give love to someone special, you are now ready to face those pain, the greatest pain of all, the unbearable pain, the pain that will leave the deepest scar ever in your life.  That pain can be heal, can be lessen and fully recovered but never ever forgets as well as the love you've given to the lucky one. It will always remain and in that case there is always the possibility of going back to that someone if it is a will to happen but make sure you're ready to face the pain again. No one is perfect and for every mistake there is pain and for every pain there is experience which is the best teacher. 

 I wrote this because I wanted to release what's on my mind now. It is difficult to love someone that can't love you back because of many circumstances but what you could do is that you release it and accept the fact that you will lived with it.   ~Jah





About the author


you can call me jane for short..

I am an online article writer, a part timer, a full time mom and a student..

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