Marriage and goodbye education

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I want to start by saying a real life story of a man which he mentioned from his experiences and pain that he bearing now.

“When I graduated from high school and was thinking about higher education, suddenly witch eyes of a girl took my heart and I fall in love with her. After that I could not focus on my study and even I tried many time to pay attention on my studies, but I could not. Inevitably I stopped dreaming for higher education and settled for school diploma. Then I start searching for getting a job, and I went through many interviews and finally I have accepted in a small company with reasonable salary. After that directly I went to the girl’s home and I have requested her hand from his father. Now a few years have passed since those days and I am married with that exceptional girl and we have two wonderful children, but still the big problem in my life is education that I could not get promotion in my job and it needs higher education. So I decided to continue my education and get back to university, but I do not know from where I should start and how I can obtain my aim.”

 This was a part of life story of that man that decided to continue his education at age 35.

So it is not too late, if you want to start reading and studying books, before that you have to be honest with yourself that you want to study or just you want to test yourself. In first place you should have enough motivation and determination to continue and do not afraid. Now that you decided to involve in this new work, you need to find time for that, first of all specify the study time that how many hours will you study per day and how can you find this time? As you see for implementing of this program, should have an accurate plan.

 Try to coordinate with your family, it means when you want to be a little bit away from your wife and children for studying, therefore you need to attract their approval. Take in consideration when you are with family try to be patient, a good listener, respect to their desires and in your free time do not watch television spend some time with your children, take him to the park, play some games or help him with his homework. Appreciate from your family and satisfy them, because if your family do not support you in continuing education, then you will realize the difference between study when you were single and now, because all of them have some expectations and it is your responsibility to fulfill their desires, thus it is important to get the agreement from our family.

 Before to initiate education again, check or review your job aspects such as to choose the career which in future you can get promotion or whether your manger and the organization you are working for, will allow you to study or not, because if the manger is agree, then you can study in the office in your free time.

 Now that you want to use your time for studying then you have to win, therefore you should choose the best ways to learn. first of all avoid thinking and dreaming and calmly study, it is not important that you were away of studying for long time, the main thing is your effort and trying for restudying. Increasing of self-confidence will be useful and try to avoid the anxiety, because as much the anxiety increase, your performance will decrease. Every day repeat the new things that you have learned, at the beginning start with 10 minutes study and after each ten minutes take a rest and continue again, if you are under stress take a long break, because your mind will not get new data when you are under stress, so it is better to have a break at least for one day and try to do something that you like it or spend your time with your family. During of study, first try to have a general understanding from the contents, then get into details, for useful study specific place is necessary, the best place is personal desk and a separate room, if you have children then it is better to study in library and do not blame your self trust on yourself and study with confidence.


Written by: Haroon Mehrzad 

About the author


Haroon was born in 1987 in Nimroz province Afghanistan, graduated from Farokhi high school in 2005. He has joined for three years Faculty of science in heart University in 2006 after three years he has received scholarship for studying abroad in Cairo university Egypt. Right now he is in third…

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